The play...

My high school showed this play last year. It was really good. Has anyone else seen the play version?

- Simon Goldin, a.k.a


I played "the man" I came in, said shut up a lot of times then said they were spreading communist propagana. good times.


Hey well I got offered the role of Tony Kirby and it seems all good and gravy but I much rather play one of the lunatic brothers or something so my question is which is a better role?

The Other Day Ago!
Party of 2....And U're invited


Take the role of's a lead and it's a good role. I auditioned for this show at a local community theatre about a year and a half ago. I did not get a role, but I did go back and see the show. It was fabulous. I did see the movie as well, didn't care for it as much as the play.


In my only acting role in high school (i was chief electrician for like 3 years), i had the good fortune of playing Boris Kolenkhov. And might I add, I did exceptionally well.

I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.


I played Penny Sycamore when I did this play in college. It was one of my best performances to date, I must confess. Unfortunately, the person who was cast as my father decided he was too good for any of us & barely came to rehearsals & while I feel like he barely pulled it off, the show was fun to do. Unpleasant @ times, but a favorite of mine...especially the all of the antics that take place in ACT II.

I am agreeing completely about the improv business. How can one improv such a wonderfully written & well-known play? It makes no sense to me!

Kindest regards,


I'm looking for a good monologue for grandpa or tony kirby for auditions for this play. I've looked all over, but I still haven't found one that I really like for those roles, could someone tell me what they did as monologues for these characters? If not, its cool, I realize some actors are very touchy with throwing around "their" monologues. Thanks guys


I love the play and think some of the most funny parts were cut out in the movie. I played the Grand Duchess Olga Katrina who is only mentioned in the movie. The really weird thing was our Boris Kolehnkov (sp) broke his leg playing soccer about a week into rehearsals. He was on crutches for a while but didn't actually do the show with them but we did mention his limp or something. I found out later that Mr. Barrymore's injury was also written into his role! Coincidence, no? Anyway we did this character exercise about a week before opening night where we went out to dinner in public completely in character (though not in costume) and continued to do so throughout the entire meal. It was really helpful and hysterically funny! I recommend it if you can pull it off. Being in public like that was such a rush. We even played the same "game" from the second act although not following the script of course.

Break a leg to all you budding actors!


We are also doing this play. Tonight is our last performance. I, however, am not in the play, but I am backstage. My favorite act is Act 2 with the fireworks. We have some cool speical effects and I happen to be doing on of them.

"Britney had her 55-Hour Marriage, I had my 12-Minute Marriage."


I'm doing the show in about 3 weeks. I've been cast as Penny. I absolutely love it. It's a great play and a great part. I normally seem to be cast as very uptight, boring people so it's great to get the oppurtunity to play such an eccentric character.


I am also doing the play, I Play Paul Sycamore!! I am looking forward to it, and I hope the show is a success


"F-U-N" As our dear Ed says in my schools production of the play. Tonight was opening night for my schools play and it was amazing. We had such wonderful and talented actors filling each character like they were wearing the right size glove. I can't even say how amazing the play is in so little. I was glad to have auditioned and then when I didn't make it, was offered the job of ushering. I loved ushering tonight, then seeing everyone when it was all over. All of my friends were in it and I was so glad for each of them.
I had a hard time imagining each actor up there as exactly that, an actor. They had me convinced the entire time. I hope that everyone has an opportunity to see this play. Mr. Kaufman and Mr. Hart were complete and utterly genious when they wrote this. It deserves every award it gets, no matter what form it is produced in. So if you haven't seen this play, SEE IT! YOu will never see a better play.

Live each day like it is your last. Because you never know what will happen.


Well, I played Grandpa,our performances were last thursday and friday, it was quite amazing, i love ad libbing on stage and Mr. Kirby was late (about 2 minutes) so we ad libbed a scene at the end, it was great. We even added some accordion playing in. This was a great play. It wasnt as fun as a slap stick play but it was still great


My high school is deciding between this play and Dracula for our fall production. Which one would be a better show?


The better should would definately be "You Can't take it with you".


My high school is doing this in November. Auditions are Tuesday. I'm going to audition, even if I am a Freshman.

Does anyone know of any good comedic monologues for me to audition with? Pref. 1 min to 1.5 mins. And, I'm a girl, if you couldn't figure that out by my name. =]


It's kind of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules...
-Hermione Granger
Order of the Phoenix


I was in this play in High School around November 2002. I played Mr. Henderson. It was pretty much my favorite play ever. Good times.
