I definitely think Chaplin was being disingenuous when he made this comment. Despite the many slapstick aspects of Modern Times, I doubt there is any person who can argue that the movie had no social commentary and for Chaplin himself to say this is quite the mystery. In my opinion, Chaplin made this comment in order to let the audience decide for themselves and interpret the commentary in their own special way. Not everyone who views Modern Times will have the same opinion of the way Chaplin moves from job to job or how the Gamine has an overwhelming obsession for food. Is it just storyline or is it insightful commentary? Although Chaplin denies it, I strongly believe that his Modern Times is chock full of political observations and criticisms.
According to the New York Times article we read, Chaplin was a liberal and even took advice from the Soviet filmmaker, Shumiatsky, on how to end his movie. I doubt that Shumiatsky gave Chaplin advice on how to make a funny ending, instead, Shumiatsky advised Chaplin to make the ending show more of the class struggle. Although I do not know the specific details of the Shumiatsky-Chaplin conversation, I feel that I can safely say that they discussed politics and not comedy.
In his quote, Chaplin is quite vague. Although I disagree with him saying that his work has no social significance, I do believe that his first priority was to entertain. Modern Times, so far, is a hilarious movie. There has not been two minutes between my laughter anytime during the movie. There is no doubt that Modern Times is a great comedy, but comedy and politics do not always have to be separated. It is possible for Modern Times to be both funny and insightful, but Chaplin wanted people to focus on only the comedy. Although I do not think that he tried to make every joke into a criticism of 1930's society, to say none of his movies had any insight into the "modern times" is ridiculous.