Seriously... saw this in my film history class and wanted to shoot myself. I think I may have chuckled once during the entire movie. That and I wanted to kill someone seeing chaplin do that retarded walk with those shoes that stick up into the air for no apparent reason...
So yeah out of curiosity what does this film have that makes you people like it?
Turn the sound down on any movie you care to choose and tell me how much interesting behavior and emotion you can see displayed by the actors. There is so much going on in this film and if you can't see it, you should probably force yourself to watch more until you DO see it.
Surely, you're trolling. If you aren't, I'm going to proceed to jam my fingers into my ears and pretend people of this intellectual caliber don't actually exist.
To all the haters of this film, you are complete morons and trying to 'stand out from the crowd' with your bs commments that bare no relevance to anything much like yourselves.
Cop:"You think you're Rambo!" Tango (Stallone): "Rambo's a pussy!"
I didn't find the movie all that funny,but found it interesting for other reasons.The quality of the print is exceptional and is way ahead of its time.Then to go back to life in the thirties is a treat,and to see Paulette Goddard at her most beautiful,and so natural is refreshing....
I love this film but something always clings on the back of my mind, which is quite disturbing. Like, "this guy's so bad at work he doesn't deserve what he's hoping for".
Certainly some bits and pieces to like and snicker at, but mostly the humor is not particularly inspired, sometimes even kinda lame. Sure, it does a fairly passable job at satirizing the circumstance of the era, but ultimately, you can`t judge art by its intentions or ideology. Another problem is of course this goddamn annoyingly cutesy persona Chaplin the actor cultivated - along with Chaplin the director`s unfortunate tendency towards schmaltz. An okay little number, I guess, and at the very least somewhat better than City Lights, but that`s about it, really. 6,5/10.
I swear that the mainstream population of people are all aliens from Mars and are not of the human race... I can't understand for the life of me why anyone wouldn't in the smallest bit, not "like" this wonderful movie... It's full of adoration, laughter and spectacle! I find it sad, provocative, funny and aspiring, all of it very well done. One of my dearest favorites of all-time, top 10, biatch.