I watched this movie early this morning, and I fell in love. I knew who Carlie Chaplin was, but this was my first experience with any of his films. I didn't get to finish it, because it ended at 5:30 in the morning and I needed to get up for class, but I regret not finishing it. I though it was pure brilliance.
The part about the lunch-time feeding machine had my in hysterics! Just the look on his face... I am definitely going to keep two eyes out for any other Chaplin films. The humor trancends time, and that is something that just can't be said for more contemporary films.
In a word: Amazing.
Oh, and to answer the OP- I can like this movie because, like every person (or most, technically) here, I have a personal taste. I don't like what's shoved down my throat. I hate most movies that are in theatres for that fact. It was early in the morning, I couldn't sleep, and I found Modern Times on TCM. I didn't even know the name of the movie until a few minutes before I went to bed. But I watched it, nonetheless. I have an opinion. Simple (or not; your choice) as that.
"If you've never seen an elephant ski, you've never been on acid." -Eddie Izzard