Great Movie.....

This is my favorite "classic" vampire movie. In my opinion, it was very well done and has a great twist in the end. Barrymore was excellent in his role, by the way. Very atmospheric and errie. Highly recommended.....


I saw the movie for the first time yesterday. I think the ending is terrible! ... Back then they would give rational endings to supernatural quality stories ... which were anti-supernatural, really, because what they are saying is any supernatural event is not what it seems, it has a rational explanation, and people are fools for believing otherwise ... It's an underhanded trick and it never pleases me.

It's a little murder mystery stretched out by countless of scenes of people walking very slowly in the fog, lots of scenes of frightened people mugging for the camera ... lotta redundancy ...

I like the bats though ... and some bits ... the girl flying ... the atmosphere ...


I saw this movie many years ago, and I confess that at first I found the ending rather disappointing. However, I've developed the ability to enjoy the movie for what it appears to be, and to 'zone' out the ending as it were. That might sound odd, but I'm eager to acquire a copy of this classic once again (my ancient VHS recording disintegrated years ago).


Sure, you can still enjoy it. I have a copy ....... uhm ... ya, the ending is botched, no doubt about that, and rushed, too, cuz when they switch over to show Legosi and Borland taking their makeup off, it's a quick scene. Apparently Legosi pleaded with Browning to allow them to be real vampires masquerading as actors, or something along those lines (which woulda been dumb too, really), but Browning stuck to his anti-vampire finale.

I wonder about endings and Browning, I mean, Dracula 1931 ended infamously too, in that Dracula was skewered off-camera ...



Who is "Legosi"?

The point about Browning's endings is reasonable... one could make the same point about "Freaks"... it's an entertaining film, if hardly earth-shattering, but LUGOSI and Carroll Borland have visually unforgettable parts and Lugosi's speech at the end should have been engraved on his tombstone: "I gave all of me. I was greater than any real vampire."


Lugosi Lugosi. I spelt it right before in another message, I dunno what happened this time.

I dunno, the movie is very flawed, and that's apart from the ending, which by itself was an insult to vampire movies. It's a little mystery with Dracula kinda pasted on ...

Too many character actors mugging scared for the camera, inbetween shots of Carol Borland wandering aimlessly and Bela doing his Count Morphine schtick ... Bad choice Bela if you were hoping to be her rich agent ..........



Just loved the atmosphere and that peculiar ending! I never expected such thing in a '30s horror movie!

Miss Jane Russell ROCKS!!!


Paintedplates, shame on you for the "Count Morphine" remark.

It is not only inaccurate, given the film under discussion, but is also extremely childish. Grow up.


Oh, I thought it was funny .... but it was flippant to be sure. Yer rush to judgement is breathtaking, though.

This is besides the point, but is there some way of me knowing if somebody replies to something I posted besides being spammed with emails? How do I know if somebody replied to me. They should have some link to replies when I log in.

Hey you like creepy movies right. You ever heard of M R James? For anyone out there, and you too, I discovered M R James recently ... he wrote the finest creepy stories, ever, around 1890 or so. You can hear em read by a great reader at for free. People read work that is no longer copyrighted, and upload it. You can find M R James at

No, I;m not spamming ... it's free and you'll thank me for it if you really like those kinda stories. You seem sort of intelligent, or maybe somebody out there is, and would enjoy such things. I mean, there are creepy stories out there besides Dracula and it's variants. 'The Stalls of Barchester' is so creepy I get chills just thinking about it.



Pay NO attention to the nay-sayers. This movie has a GREAT ending!!!


the ending contradicts with previous essentially supernatural scenes like Mora and Luna's transformations from bats shown.

ps. I found Luna extremely sexy


I like that vamp-chick too (an original goth!) But the ending was Scooby-Doo and Barrymore is a ham! The least of the four Browning films I have seen.



The twist lets it down. Up till that point I'd say it's the best vampire horror of its time. Photography, lighting, sound/music, performances, all top-notch. I still give it a 7.5/10, but the damn thing could have been a 9!
