MovieChat Forums > Mark of the Vampire (1935) Discussion > Two incredibly funny things...

Two incredibly funny things...

[1] When the Baron comes down to tell all the servants/maids about Sir Karell being murdered, they all begin chattering in alarmed tones and praying. He says, "Sir Karell has been murdered {hears murmuring}... please, there's no cause for alarm. Get up on your feet". What a baller.

[2] The name of Irena's fiance - Fedor Vincente. I mean seriously, why don't they just call him Malcolm Jabberwocky Princhester Giamatti? Was this the name of one of the producers?


How about "Our vampire plan was so simple..." spoken by the inspector near the end. Simple??? One of the most convoluted plots ever!

I laughed out loud at that line - on a repeated viewing... The first time I was on the edge of my seat.


'How about "Our vampire plan was so simple..." spoken by the inspector near the end. Simple??? One of the most convoluted plots ever!'

That was the one that had me laughing out loud too! πŸ˜†


The first one was funny. The second? Well, Fedor is a Russian name, and Vincente is Spanish. So if someone has both Russian and Spanish heritage, it would not be unreasonable to have that name.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. -- A. Einstein


"The vampire plot was so simple..."? The mind boggles at what one of their more complex plans would entail.

What would happen when the case goes to trial? I think that even the courts of Czechoslovakia, of that era, would not be impressed with such a byzantine method of trapping a criminal.


That occurred to me, to. Running an elaborate con and hypnotizing a suspect into a sort-of confession by unconscious re-enactment is a form of entrapment that might not hold up as evidence in court.


'The mind boggles at what one of their more complex plans would entail.'



' When the Baron comes down to tell all the servants/maids about Sir Karell being murdered, they all begin chattering in alarmed tones and praying. He says, "Sir Karell has been murdered {hears murmuring}... please, there's no cause for alarm. Get up on your feet". What a baller.'

Yeah, that had me chuckling. πŸ˜„
