MovieChat Forums > Triumph des Willens (1935) Discussion > Is it wrong to like this movie?

Is it wrong to like this movie?

Its one of my favourtie films. Absolutley breathtaking, but i feel i have to justify that everytime i tell someone about it.

I am the third Coen Brother


I know exactly what you mean. It's like saying "Birth of a Nation" is your favorite or something. Then people find out the KKK are in it. Well, I understand why you like the film, it has nothing to do with the Nazi's in particular. This is a very honest film, and an amazing technical achievement. Each and every shot is beautifully edited and as a movie this is one of the best. As a propaghanda piece it's also amazing. Just to see this history. A very important film. Anyone who has seen the movie will know what you mean when you say you love it.

"Stay alive baby... do it for Van Gogh."


This is one of the most important films humans have ever made. It's not just a Nazi propaganda movie, it's a historical document unlike nearly any other in human history. Want bad guys taking over the world? Check. Want the faces and sounds of fanaticism roiled into action? Check. Want haunting cinematography of some of the most evil people the earth will ever know? Check.

And it was all real -- not acted on some soundstage. And that is the horror this film captures, albeit not Lani's purpose, of course.

Some sickos may like the film because they buy the message. Most of TOTW's viewers value the film because it's a riveting, frightening, and sad part of the archive of human history.



Great Scott, an actual Nazi!!!



Hey, I've gone through an entire day without butchering one single baby. And I think that is pretty damn good... but, oh the temptation!


nothing at all wrong


no but you see birth of a nation is far less of a work than this is, and it is also outdated and far more crass and simple and stereotypical. Please.


So how is this movie so up to date? I don't agree with your comment at all. If anything, Birth of a Nation is more revelante than Triuph des Willens.


I loved this film 2. hurry up for the sequel, that's what i say


Triumph of the Will 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I heard they were going to make this but Riefenstahl ran out of funds when the Third Reich started losing the war.


Triumph of the Will 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I heard they were going to make this but Riefenstahl ran out of funds when the Third Reich started losing the war.

I actually saw a rough cut of TotW 2 and it was just awful . Why Hitler and Goering chose the stage names of "Shabba-Doo" and "Boogaloo Shrimp" I'll never know.

And the choreography for those breakdancing scenes on the Eastern Front was rather clumsily handled, too.

[Your post made me laugh by the way. Damn you.]


I don't really see a problem by saying you like this movie. I say I like both this one, and "Potemkin", and they're both propaganda movies: this one for Nazism, and "Potemkin" for Communism.


No there is nothing wrong with liking this movie, I like Man Bits Dog, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, etc etc but that doesn't make me a mass murderer!


I have not seen this film, but I heard that as a cinematic work, it's brilliant. My boyfriend is watching it now as part of a study on a grant proposal he's doing, because for it's time, it was (and to a certain extent still is) a brilliant piece of filmmaking. So is it wrong to like this film? Absolutely not. You can't help liking things, after all, and as long as you don't let yourself be brainwashed by the film's message, then you should be just fine.

And besides, it's not like they're slaughtering Jews onscreen. It could be worse.

Ahh, kamisama! watashi no atama ni ono ga arimasu!


Nazis should not be feared, they should be analysed, what they managed to do is simply astounding, give them credit, like, yeah they were made in the form of pure evil, but so were the Romans under Caligula and Nero, the Nazis had everyone by the balls after only 2 years at war, that's something to be proud of.

P.S. Neo Nazis today are retarted idiots seeking to waste time.


I partly agree, but I think that credit should be given more to Hitler than the Nazis...after all, the Nazi party was his brainchild, and he managed to single-handedly rebuild the country from the ground up.

Though, of course, this whole thing should also be seen as an example of tyranny and villainy at its worst.

Ahh, kamisama! watashi no atama ni ono ga arimasu!


Dude, Hitler was a stupid tool.

The real genuises were Goebbles, Hess and Goering.

Hitler was their tool gone A.I.


Not true. :-)


PPl take the importance of this film in different ways, from the visual structure of it to it's historical relevance. Personally I thought it was beautifully shot. The director understood how to use shadow and light to convey a mood. Her arial shots were really great considering the time and sheer number of ppl. Don't be ashamed to enjoy it. Anyone who hides from the history of their world because they don't want to "offend" anyone should be beaten with a stick.I'm sorry, I am kind of old school when it comes to dealing with that kind of stupidity. And I agree with the poster, Hitler was not the great mastermind (not to say he was a moron though), he was the figurehead. Hess was the man to fear.

Skwisgaar: "Well, there's only two things to do in a blackout, get thing to do"


Hitler was not a stupid definitely a genius in a very bad way. He understood - more than his contemporaries - of the significant pscychological power of mass demonstrations, symbols, and propaganda. Hess and Goering? Goering was simply a blowhard and blusterer whose one politically positive attribute was the ability to scheme underhandedly. Hess was simply a lackey. Goebbels had true gifts as an orator and propagandizer and - to give him his due - was the only one who ventured out among the German people to give speeches and appear at social functions after the war had already turned. As for the main question: "Is it wrong to like this movie?" - the answer is No. One can admire the beauty, the technological achievement and the artistry involved with the production without subscribing to the ideas involved, just as one can admire Wagner's music without supporting his anti-semitic views. And I am writing this as a person who is part-Jewish himself.


Nazis should not be feared, they should be analysed, what they managed to do is simply astounding,

It certainly was. It's amazing what a small but "committed" group of people can do for (and to) an entire country.

give them credit, like, yeah they were made in the form of pure evil, but so were the Romans under Caligula and Nero, the Nazis had everyone by the balls after only 2 years at war, that's something to be proud of.

Actually, it's the flip side that fascinates the hell out of me. Let's face it: Hitler didn't give a monkey's about Germany and flushed the entire country down the toilet. Unfortunately, the German people didn't realize the contempt he held them in until it was too late.

"Give me ten years' time and you will not recognize Germany anymore!"
~ Adolf Hitler on 29 January 1933

Boy, he had that one right.


I'm pretty proud of the fact that I own it, but I wouldn't say it's one of my favorites.
I think I'll watch it again with the commentary, I might get more out of it.

I won't conform to what I see in you.


Loved it. Not in a fanatic like way of course.

Best musical I have ever seen.



Woah !!! There's commentary??? Is that on a new DVD version???

This isn't one of my favorite movies, and in the beginning it is really slow. But I liked watching it because it actually brings me back into history better than the history channel can do.


