MovieChat Forums > Trouble in Paradise (1932) Discussion > your favorite little subtlety in the fil...

your favorite little subtlety in the film?

At the start the title reads just "Trouble in", doesn't show the word "Paradise" and then at the bottom is a bed. It means "Trouble in Bed".

Near the start when the Baron is telling the waiter to "leave", the waiter finds a "leaf", hands it to him.


i love you... i hate you... haha


The first evening Gaston spends with Marriette-the passing of time is shown on the clocks face-then the changing of rooms by the difference in clock-finally finishing with the midnight view of Big Ben outside the suites windows....not many would catch that today


Two stand out for me. 1) Filiba lying to the police that he was expecting a visit from two business associates, who were actually the two prostitutes seen briefly in the beginning ringing the bell to his hotel room. 2) Later on in the film, Gaston is mentioning the towns he might have met Filiba in and talk turns to Constantinople. Filiba mentions the harems and Gaston just briefly says, "They have all kinds", which meets with Filiba's approval. Constantinople was pretty well known back then for having a very relaxed attitude towards homosexuality compared to Europe.
