MovieChat Forums > City Lights (1931) Discussion > The First Chaplin Movie I've Ever Seen.....

The First Chaplin Movie I've Ever Seen...

and boy did I loved it!

I'm 39 years old and I guess I never was interested in seeing a Chaplin movie.

Recently I watched "Chaplin" with Robert Downey Jr. and absolutely loved the clips from the real movies at the end. I was laughing and crying.

I went to my local public library to see what Chaplin movies they had. They only had "City Lights".

Boy what a great movie!! Chaplin was absolutely brilliant!

I intend to see many more. I now have a Chaplin addiction! Quick... Give me "The Kid".


I have a little bit of a similar story. I am 47 now. I have only watched a few Chaplin movies, starting just a few years ago. Now they hold a high place in my esteem.

I still need to watch Gold Rush. I certainly reccomend The Kid and Modern Times. They both were able to induce laughs, tears, and admiration from me. Hang in there. Let's keep Chaplin and other classic pioneers of film alive and familiar to others.


Saw it yesterday, this was also my first Chaplin film, and interestingly also the only one in the library... both local libraries, in fact. Odd.

Any way, I have wanted to see something by Chaplin for several years now, along with the Marx Brothers and various other legends. Since I'm now off for Christmas break, I decided I might as well borrow it. I'm very glad I did.

I liked the "Chaplin Today" DVD featurette featuring Peter Lord. Gromit clearly draws from the "discipline" of communication without words or sound. Very interesting.

The libraries have several other old films I was able to borrow over the summer, including Metropolis and Citizen Kane. All great stuff. I'll be ready when I finally start taking Film History.

I also like Shrek, Pixar movies, and the Star Wars prequels. Muahahaha.

The cockroach is a noble beast....


The first Chaplin I saw had to be "The Gold Rush". Currently I just haven't watched three of his "long films": "Limelight" "A King in New York" and "A Woman of Paris". But I am planning to watch them in the coming days!

Anyway I think I've enjoyed the best films by Chaplin and some of his best shorts

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.


Can i ask you all why you have to mention your ages? Just say you liked the film! It's that easy!

As far as the movie, it's my first time too! and no, I feel it immature to state how old you are. Like who cares whether youo're a 15 year old discovering Chaplin for the first time, or a "39 year old" watching your first Chaplin film! I mean, age means nothing so the movie should be enjoyed by all! regardless of age!

Just because you are 37 or 39 or whatever, doesn't mean that you have more knowledge about a film because you've lived longer. Some hard core fans know more than you I'm sure!


The point of stating one's age (in regards to each poster's enjoyment of "City Lights" and other Chaplin film greats) is to demonstrate the very thing you're saying, devilzlair25: Give an old classic a chance, instead of writing it off before ever seeing it because of its age and lack of color, and everyone, whether 15 and younger or at any age up to the triple digits, can appreciate and enjoy the masterpieces and classic film in general! But calling it "immature" is just a bit uncalled for on your part, methinks.

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I have always been interested in Chaplin and have a box set of his shorts, other things around the place, but had never seen his features.

Today I went and bought 6 films and also the biopic (been wanting to see it for ages, will watch after I get through the films).

I am watching them in order of release so City Lights came first, I was very impressed and I was very moved by the whole film :D

(is 18, a film maker)

Also, a couple of years back I made a tribute to silent films, here's a link for any fans that are interested:

Hope you enjoy, it was unscripted and made very quickly, improv'd etc.


imaveggie: Ahh, I also saw Chaplin with RDJ and became interested after the clips from the movies at the end. But my first Chaplin movie was The Kid. And now i can't get enough of Charlie Chaplin.

Also... I can kill you with my brain


About a week ago, I didnt know anything about Chaplin and I had no desire to learn anything either. Then I saw Chaplin with Robert Downey Jr. I dont know what moved me more. The performance of Downey Jr or the life and work of Chaplin. Since then, I have watched Modern Times and City Lights and I have to say that I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of Chaplin the more I see of him. His work should not be missed by anyone. Like I said, a week ago I had no interest in Chaplin whatsoever. Now, I'm hooked!


Welcome to the fold, Bcud02!

Watch out for some of the fictionalized stuff in the biopic though--stuff like Chaplin's alleged despising of Marie Pickford, Mabel Normand, and even the non-existent Anthony Hopkins interviewer character, etc; most of this is really just, basically, dramatic license to make the picture "more interesting," as they say. More of the facts about his life and career (and better covered) can be found in documentaries and books/biographies of and about Chaplin.

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