MovieChat Forums > Un chien andalou (1929) Discussion > Who else hates modern art?

Who else hates modern art?

A mannequin with blue hair having sex with a bicycle is not art. A bunch of garbage is not art. Pieces of metal twisted into a random shape is not art.

You can say that it is a commentary on the innate apathy of humanity to the plight of the unwed teenage mother, but in reality, you are just trying to get attention with your BS pseudo-art.

Furthermore, leaving a piece of art "open for the public's interpretation" is not unique or creative. People will have thoughts regardless of your *beep* monstrosity of a sculpture. You did not create anything.

If you think you are important enough that your political/philosophical views must be heard, find a better way to represent the idea than a bunch of paperclips glued to a dead cat.

Real art takes talent and has meaning.

This movie is a prime example of stupid "art" with no meaning that only fake idiots pretend to enjoy. There are always the pretentious "artists" who say that this movie is a masterpiece that evokes emotion with images and blah blah blah. No, it doesn't. It's all about shock factor and originality. Cutting some girl's eye open doesn't say anything other than, "Whoa! Look out audience! I just blew your mind!"

The gore is no longer impressive enough to be entertaining. The movie was never brilliant.


i think you fail to realize that if it wasnt for this movie tv shows like monty python and south park and family guy would never have existed



Your part of simply HATING art is just from a lack of understanding. As an art student I can say that modern art is way more complicated then it seems. I've made some truely strange things in my life that makes people say, "What the 'ell?" But the ending result of those pieces were after many hours of research, experimentation, and problem solving. It was my INTENTION to make the viewer question the art. To an untrained eye it can seem stupid or easily done, but it's not that simple.


I hope you realized how stupid that sounded, especially considering the nature of the film. it is not supposed to invoke emotions or shock you to the maximum. Nothing is symbolic. It's close-minded people like you the movie was intended for. I have nothing against realism, and actually my favorite art is the Ashcan school, which isn't exactly strange or mod. Have an open mind.


I hope you realized how stupid your post sounded, especially considering the nature of the film, Leannel.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I hope you realized how stupid your post sounded, especially considering the nature of the previous post, franzkabuki.

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


I understand the OP, I'm sick of idiots who dip their dicks into paint and then slap them onto a canvas willynilly and then say its art. Or how about the idiots who go gaga over paintings by kids who are obviously just randomly sticking their hands into paint and then doing random *beep* The kids going "I'm just doing this for fun" but the art aficionados are crying over them because it's "such an insight into the innocent psyche of emotions" or some *beep* Then there's the idiots or should I say REALLY smart "artists" out there who just pour random paint all everywhere or paint themselves and then have sex on a canvas then sell it for bags of money because the REAL idiots out there gobble it up. There's art, then there's really surreal art, then there's just a a guy taking a dump on a canvas because he knows someone out there is dumb enough to accept it as art. I'll just show up to an art exhibit next time with a blank canvas and say it's "the emptieness of one's mind" I'm sure someone will buy it for millions of dollars.


Who are you to say what is and isn't art? If I see or hear soemthing that makes me feel good, it's art to me! It's all relative so don't speak as if you're the know all, end all.

We've met before, haven't we?



So, you don't see art in many things, other people do.

Now guess whose life is richer.

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.



Pro-tip from an art historian - just because you don't like something doesn't mean that thing is not art.


