Favorite Keaton Movie
I thought I'd start a thread for the Keaton fans out there.
Favorite Buter Movie:
For me it would have to be The General just ahead of Sherlock Jr. I could watch this movie once a day and the gags would never get old. It's also a love story, an thrilling action movie, and an extremely accurate civil war epic. One of the top 10 films ever made.
I know the conventional wisdom is that General is the best, but I could also understand people who went for Sherlock Jr., Our Hospitality, The Navigator, Steamboat Bill Jr., or The Cameraman as I feel these represent his A-List. His B-List isn't too shabby either.
Favorite Buster Short
Cops is often named as his best short but for me it's The Playhouse. It not only contains the to-this-day amazing effect of having eight or so Busters perform on stage at once (He also plays everyone else at the theater-take that Multiplicity) but it also contains, among other great gags, Buster's brilliant portrayal of a monkey. More laughs than most feature length comedies in twenty or so minutes.
Favorite Buster Moment
How can one choose? I'll just name the one that never fails to make me laugh. It comes in The General when through a perfect escalation of logic Buster has managed to point as loaded canon at his train with the fuse lit and Buster in a panic throws a piece of wood at it. It's a small moment, almost a throwaway gag, but it never fails to reduce me to fits of laughter.