I say the following fully aware that you haven't replied to any of the posts in this thread for quite awhile. And I know this awful, long reply was completely unnecessary. Despite all that:
I have a sneaking suspicion that even though you said you had NO expectations going into the viewing, you really did. Not necessarily the normal kind of expectations, but maybe expectations that have been ingrained in you by modern films (I did notice that list of films you like, by the way...I noted it quite carefully). This isn't meant to be insulting, just an observation, but I think so many people nowadays are incredibly lazy when it comes to watching movies. Sure, Keaton only ever wanted an audience to enjoy his films, but he also had an extremely different aesthetic about what was enjoyable. It's really clear that he wasn't trying to get laughs constantly in The General. He wanted to accomplish a multitude of things, and I think he's been recognized for accomplishing every single thing he intended (historical accuracy, AMAZING cinematography, a wealth of laughs, a wealth of gasps (from his great stuntwork), a great movement of narrative, and some damned fine acting, to boot). You said you had no expectations, but I'm pretty sure you did. It's all over your reaction to the film. Example:
"I have respect for anybody that can sit through The General without falling asleep" I feel like this is said with Anderson's sweeping long takes, Anderson's dry long shots and vibrant colors....and.....Good Will Hunting, Memento, and I Heart Huckabees? Hmmm....I'm just as inclined as anybody to agree that art is subjective, and people have opinions, and it's important, blah blah blah. But I'm also very aware of the significance placed in an overwhelming amount of agreement on certain aspects in art. It's one thing for a film scholar who has dedicated their life to studying all aspects of film, culturally, technically and psychologically, and they decide, after months spent toiling over it, that The General is truly not a great film. But for you to watch it once and toss it off because it's way too different from your Post-50's preferences....I dunno....me being someone who CONSTANTLY questions things, not the least of which being my own judgments on things I'm not very knowledgable about....I'd say you rethink it.