I try to explain.
First of all, there are moments I cannot explain, how he did it. For example with the railway sleeper (? I am not native speaker, I mean the big wodden part on the railway track). He tries to put it out, the train in his back comes, he get it out at perfect time and than push out the next one with it. That's perfect timing, but also the whole time Buster plays with the audience. The audience knows more than Buster. Even when the wagon is in front of him, he pushes it on the side way track, it comes back, it goes away. The audience knows, Buster not, and that makes it funny. And he plays with that in so many ways.
Than the race in two versions, first he is following others and than the others following him. They have the same problems, but solved differently. That's brillant. And again he plays with the audience. You think you know, what is coming, but than all is different. Miller has tried in Fury Road and I think he missed completely.
Than there are this brillant small gags, for example, when he looses his shoe in a bunch of shoes. I have to laugh every single time, because it's such a crazy idea.
Than it is technically brillant, I mean 50 % of the movie is playing on a moving train and there is only one or two persons on it. And it happens so much, there is no rest, the pace is so high, cutting between the two trains, one problem leads to the next, one gag to the next. It's a movie with a high speed in telling. I also think, nobody can play it and stunt it like him. If you want to do a remake, you will miserably fail. It's a single peace of movie history. And that's it, with the great movies of all time, nobody tries it again. Nobody will try to make "Citizen Kane", and when, they will not get it.