MovieChat Forums > Sherlock Jr. (1924) Discussion > Your Top ten favorite silent films

Your Top ten favorite silent films

Starting this post to see what other kind of silent film favorites people have.

Here are mine.

1.Citylights (1931)
2.Battleship potemkin (1925)
3.The Passion of Joan of Arc (/w Voices of light st)(1928)
4.The General (1927)
5.Metropolis (1927)
6.Sunrise (1927)
7.Goldrush (1925)
8.Nosferatu (1922)
9.Sherlock Jr.(1924)
10.Greed (1924)

As you can see I mostly like the short but sweet silent films hence I follow the code.

"A film should only be as long as you can hold your bladder"- Alfred Hitchcock

An old Hollywood saying goes...
"If it's not on the page, it's not on the stage."


Modern Times (1936)
City Lights (1931)
Pay Day (1922)
are my three faves, as u can tell I'm a Chaplin fan.

I'd probably also put on my 10 faves:

La Roue (1923)
The Gold Rush (1925)
Metropolis (1927)
The Kid (1921)
A Trip to the Moon (1902)
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
The Pilgrim (1923)?

I never think about the future, it comes soon enough


Pandora's Box



Modern Times

Sherlock Jr.



Orphans of the Storm

The Phantom of the Opera

City Lights

I have never had an opportunity to see "Greed", would love to though.

"But you ARE, Blanche ... and I AM"!


Glad someone has mentioned Pabst. I saw his "Diary of a lost woman" recently as thought it stunning. Louise Brooks was magnificent.

Nobody's perfect!


The Louise Brooks look has been a fashion constant throughout the preceding and the present century .. some times
it dies down a little, then it surges back ... it's the look they cannot kill.
But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


No particular order:

1. Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922)
2. Our Hospitality (1923)
3. Sherlock Jr. (1924)
4. The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
5. Faust (1926)
6. Metropolis (1927)
7. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
8. La Chute de la maison Usher (1928)
9. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
10. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)


I can really only in good conscience do a Top 5, I haven't seen that many...

1. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
2. Metropolis
3. Sunrise
4. Sherlock Jr.
5. The General My changing Top 100, suggestions and comments welcome.


I think this is a great list, have already watched both the Keaton's. Trying to find the remaining ones. Thanks for the list.


