

It's amazing how a rambunctious little woman of integrity is ripping the wet panties off tRump's INCEL army of virgin soy-boy STANs



What the fuck is that coming out of your mouth??

Oh yeah, SHIT.


LMAO whatever incel traitor. Stop peeing in your pants you big government nationalist coward.


Look how bezerk they go after Greta Thunberg. They can't stand when little women set them straight.


She may HIRE someone to crush me but she will not touch me.


You know it's interesting and I've been thinking about this for awhile. Your honest, decent hard working politicians (or civil servants) for both parties are probably the one's who don't go in front of a camera/talk shows/morning programs or have your e-mail sent back as "undeliverable".

And there are quite a few of them...There are decent people out there...you just maybe haven't heard of them?


I've written to AOC and gotten response. She's a real decent politician. A real profile of an American who worked hard. Republicans never worked an honest day in their life.


"I'm a 230lb white male of Norse - Sco'ish descent."



Can't win a fight on a keyboard and in no way could win a fight in real life.

What a fking LOSER!


I'm a 230lb white male of Norse - Sco'ish descent. I own my own home outright and run my own business.

How nice for you..... 🙄🤣


"I am looking forward to Miss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez destroying each and every one of you. If it were up to me I'd like her to personally to castrate each and every one of you confused and deluded traitors but it is not."

*backs away slowly*

