MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Political career is finished after the c...

Political career is finished after the convention.

Breaking ranks to endorse Bernie and insult Republican turncoat Kasich... Not a good move. The DNC is going to quietly shuffle her off. One day soon you may find her tending bar somewhere, boasting about her glory days in Washington and how she coulda' had it all if it wasn't for "The Man" keeping her down.


I disagree. She is the poster child for every person who wants a nanny government and doesn't have the remotest clue how an economy works or the difference between a million, billion, or trillion.


Nice straw man


Explain how it's a straw man.


Keep dreaming, she is the future of the Democratic Party and is not going anywhere.


If you want a brainless bimbo as the representation of your party I am not going to try to stop you.


If that’s the case, what a scary bleak future it must be.

I think this woman is clinically insane to be perfectly honest. She never met a person she didn’t call a sexist or a racist. Her policies involve reducing cow farts for Christ’s sake. She’s Bernie Sanders socialism on steroids. It’s sickening, and the fact that people actually voted for and support this extremist nut job is even more frightening.



Why do you have such contempt for the democratic party? In spite of what you think, they are not that stupid. The lady whose idea to save the USPS is that she will start a pen pal club is not the future of anything.


Democrats love her, what are you on about?


You mean filthy Commies. Oops, forgot they're the same!


Is that why they gave her 60 seconds to speak? A small fringe of America haters love her. The vast majority of the democrat party despises her. They are not as stupid as you think they are.


What prominent figure in the democrat party despise her?


You say that like it's a good thing.


I agree. The future of the DNC is pure communism.

It's clear.

The only unclear part is the current DEMs who think this is not a fact. I really don't understand it. But then again my IQ has THREE digits.



Leftist trickery.


Finished? I certainly hope so. She is a drooling moron who has no business in any position of power. Why can't the Democrats come up with any intelligent, rational women (or men)? I suppose if they were intelligent and rational, they wouldn't be Democrats. Tragic paradox.


The democrats have completely divorced themselves from reality. They think this dingbat is the future of the party.


These idiots on th left cant help themselves.
The side on the left has anaddiction to pedophilia and tehy are always pushing AOC.
