MovieChat Forums > Matt Walsh Discussion > Matt Walsh's phone hacked; this criminal...

Matt Walsh's phone hacked; this criminal act cheered on by vile leftists.

Alejandra Caraballo (Slate, Wired), Steven Monacelli (Daily Beast), Imani Gandy (Rewire News), and the Occupy Democrats group were among the numerous lefty blue checkmarks who celebrated the hacking, and didn't even care that an n-bomb was dropped and (actual) homophobic comments made. The hypocrisy is as insane as their beliefs. Once again, Walsh finds that dealing in biological reality is dangerous business in 2023.


It just goes to show how demented these people really are. I’m glad he is not intimidated and is still standing up.



Of course they did, these are the same people who sent him death threats for pointing out that men dressing up like women were men dressing up like women.


The left do not respect the law, unless it's one they like. That trait is of a person who shows they do not belong in a democratic society. They all need to leave and go to China or a communism authoritative country. The communist party was banned in America for good reason and I think it's time the democratic party is as well. They've built a large catalog and reputation for ignoring law, causing chaos, and doing many things to disrupt democracy including the most recent election fraud. Time to ban them, and splinter the republicans into two parties, RINOS and Nat/Soc.


What n-bomb was dropped? By who? and who made the homophobic comments?


The hacker made a number of tweets pretending to be Walsh. Of course, nobody on the left condemned the hacker's comments. It's OK to say vile shit if it's done while framing one of the "bad guys".


I'm not sure what the point of that kind of hack is, anyway.

Walsh makes numerous vile, stupid comments on social media daily if left to his own devices.


The hacker and all his supporters clearly disagree. Interesting...


Like saying men in dresses are... men?


No, he doesnt. Not backing down to the insane left doesnt make him stupid or vile. It just shows the true colors of people who can't handle a difference of opinion without having a mental breakdown and over-exaggerating like a woman (pun intended).


Not backing down to the insane left not only doesn’t make him stupid for vile, it makes him the opposite. They are the stupid and vile ones and they deserve to be defied.


"over-exaggerating like a woman (pun intended)." Do you know what a pun is? That's not a pun, its just misogyny.


Do you know what a retard is? Or do you not know what Walsh is always talking about?


I am on the Left and don't condone hacking anyone's phone. How immature to blame all leftists on the behavior of a few. West Borrow Baptists are Right Wing and I don't believe that the entire Right supports them picketing soldier's funerals.

Don't you realize that you are being played? This two party system is designed to turn people against each other and you just play along, taking any opportunity to bash "those guys" just like a good little pawn.


It’s not the behavior of a few. That is the mindset shared by the majority of leftists. If you weren’t among that crowd, congratulations. You are an exception to the rule in that community.


No. It's not the majority of leftists. The fact that you think that shows just how much you've bought in to the lie spoon fed to you by your media.


Actually, the fact that I KNOW that shows just how much I’ve witnessed it myself. Are you now going to tell me not to believe my own eyes?


I'm telling you to expose your eyes to more. If I just knew the right wing from what I've seen on this website I'd have a terrible opinion of them.


Expose my eyes more to what? Incoherence and double standards? Leftists push the insane transgender narrative based on "feelings" and not science. Leftists push for the murder of unborn babies. Leftists push for allowing criminals to do whatever the hell they want because of their skin color or protected class and villainize you if you defend yourself/others against them if they try to harm/kill you/others.

I honestly don't care what your opinion of right wing is, nor do I care about your opinion of me. I will stand for what is right.


I'm moderate, bud. I call out the right and left. I just had a controversial thread deleted at Shapiro's board in which I challenged the Daily Wire staff's belief in god.

If you don't think there's a tidal wave of lefties who rejoice is awful things happening to their political opponents, then you're pretty naive.


I feel really sad for you that the world you live in is so black and white.


None of us care about your pity. If anything, we pity you for being so out of touch with reality.


Reality isn't black and white.


A lot of it is, actually.


If that is how you see the world of course it is.


So how do you know basic facts then? Is the sky not blue? Is water not wet? Do dogs not bark?


So all leftists are evil and all righties are good. πŸ™„


So you totally ignored my question. πŸ™„


The sky is not always blue is it?


That wasn't my question.


"Is the sky not blue?" Wasn't your question? Fuck it, I'm a fucking idiot for engaging with you at all. Learned my lesson though.


No, my question was how do you determine basic facts. And your answer was a stupid one. Of course the sky is blue!


Black and white how?


Typical relativist response from these people.
