MovieChat Forums > Robin DiAngelo Discussion > Refuses to publicly debate any conservat...

Refuses to publicly debate any conservative, or take any unvetted audience questions. Pathetic!

That's how utterly weak and indefensible her positions are. 🤣 Yet the modern liberal waits with his mouth open, swallowing every drop of the insane dogma on offer. There's just no saving such "people".


Well yeah, if she were to debate or accept unvetted questions she would get exposed and that would put an end to her career as a race grifter. She makes too much money from it to risk that happening.


Well Matt Walsh got her for an interview for his upcoming film. She will finally be put to the test. Can't wait see her bail out of the interview, lol


No doubt she will. Even in the trailer she's shown getting nervous that she might be sitting down with someone who isn't from her far-left echo chamber. She is positively terrified to face anyone who isn't just bowing down to her glaring bullshit.


Yes and it will be nice to finally have her completely discredited. That woman is evil.


She more than likely goes home at night and laughs at the loons that buy her book.

It was the latest thing, 2021,22... BLM, georgie floyd the fetanyal king...

So she writes a book "this is how all white people are racist! not me of course, but the rest of you are""

It's the theme of the day, get's lapped up by people who are way too easy to manipulate.

And she sells a couple of mlllion copies. it's a great hustle, but i'm betting she doesn't believe a word of it!

