MovieChat Forums > J.D. Vance Discussion > The new oath of office for the VP.

The new oath of office for the VP.

The VP takes the oath of office required by Article VI Clause 3 of the Constitution. It requires that the person support and defend the Constitution against all enemies ....

If Trump is elected, he will change the VP's oath of office something like this;

I, (VP name), pledge allegiance to Donald J. Trump and to the evil for which he stands.

Then the VP will go do the voodoo that he does so well.

Edited to add; Of course you all know this is from the film "Blazing Saddles", right?


You know Trump was president already and somehow the world kept spinning.


Yes I know. There are whore mongers and the whores that lick their boots; always will be.

Vance switched from "Never Trump" to boot licker just in time to start sleeping his way to the top. He is going to fit in just fine with Trump and his whore loving ways.


But will he like whores as much as Hunter and make a baby with one?


Don't know, don't care. I would just rather not have a whore for a president or VP.


You mean like someone who's been a career politician for over 50 years?

Them whores are the worst.


Yes. Do not think I favor any political party over another.


Yeah right.


Dude looks like Paul Bunyan. That can’t be a bad thing.


It is a facade. He spent most of his adult life looking like this.,f_auto,q_auto:best/MSNBC/Components/Video/201706/sun_mk_jdvanceprclip_170622.jpg

He got pudgy after leaving the USMC.
