MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > Pic of Mulvaney before self mutilation.

Pic of Mulvaney before self mutilation.


Really GAY!


Woman in a man's body.


I dunno, you are your body. He/She is what he/she is.

I'd say he's probably a very effeminate gay man who has trouble with a basic component of mental health - accept yourself for who you are.

He's changing his body to conform to a gender stereotype.


No one needs to live their life based on a "gender stereotype". Live and let live.


Keelai, if gender roles are a social construct, do you believe transwomen can have a penis? Or must they have it surgically converted into a vagina?

If a trans person close to you asked your advice on genital surgery, what would you tell them?


I honestly don't care. Live and let live.


Okay, I'll tell you what I think. Gender may be a social construct. But your body is real. So maybe a girl can be born with a penis. Don't cut off your penis. If your body is healthy there's no reason to mutilate your genitals to match a social construct.


Are you afraid you'll flirt with a transgender person by accident? Is that your true concern?


No, my concern is effeminate boys and tomboy girls being duped into self mutilation by a corrupt medical establishment. That's what's actually happening.


NY Post? LOL!

Mulvaney is an adult. She can make her own decisions. Why do you care? Don't you have your own business to mind?


Are you saying that news article is false?

I care about people who self mutilate, regardless of their reason.

And Mulvaney still has male genitalia. I'm not even referring to her.

I'm raising a public health issue which affects the LGBT community.


Murdoch's NY Post lies, distorts, misrepresents similar to his other business Fox. The overwhelming majority of transgender don't regret expressing and being who they are.

And it's not only about surgery. You already wrote that Mulvaney didn't have surgery.

Again, why do you care? Mulvaney is an adult who can make her own decisions without your butting into her personal and medical business.


Why do I care?

Because I'm LGBT and it's rather obvious that many young gay males and lesbians are struggling with identity issues as it is. When I was an adolescent I went through that, wondering why I was different.

I guess you think it's none of my business when Muslim doctors perform clitorectomies on Muslim girls? You better damn well believe I'll make this my business.

Frankly, I believe genital mutilation is medical malpractice. If gender is a social construct, then it's unethical to mutilate bodies to conform to a social construct.

Be a woman with a penis. I've known many and they do just fine.


LGBTQI is being attacked and persecuted along with their parents and doctors by Republicans. I suggest you use your energy to defend them against anti-human rights legislation which is being passed by bigots.

Clitorectomies are more about culture than religion. American women and girls are being denied basic life saving health care by Republicans. I suggest you use your energy to defend them against misogynistic legislation which is being passed by Republican extremists. First get your own house in order by helping women in this country.

Now, you believe wearing earrings and plastic surgery are mutilation and should be illegal!

You already wrote that Mulvaney never had surgery. What are you crying about? She can wear what she wants. Jesus wore a dress. So do the pope and Scotsmen. Is your obsession about dresses? Or because you're afraid you'll accidentally flirt with a transgender person?


Now, you believe wearing earrings and plastic surgery are mutilation and should be illegal!

Uh no, because healthy working organs are not being replaced by nonworking replicas of something else.

We're not talking about cosmetic surgery here. This is genital mutilation. When science can turn a testicle into an ovary, these Frankensteinian surgeries may have some validity. But that's not what these butchers are doing to people.

And I'm not arguing against breast enhancement either. Organs are not being destroyed.

In Iran homosexuals are being hanged while the state pays for sex change surgery. That's what's really happening here in the West as well. It's all about making the body conform to a gender stereotype.


Iran tortures and murders women for not wearing a headscarf properly. Are they your role model?

So you're ok with Mulvaney getting breast enhancement? You're against a child having a 6th finger or toe being amputated? You're ok with Chaz getting a penis? You're against breast reduction surgery? An earring does mutilate the earlobe. You want earrings to be illegal? Tattoos mutilate skin which is an organ. You want that made illegal too? You want cleft lip surgery made illegal?

It looks like Mulveney is only wearing a dress and some make-up. Why are you so obsessed with her?


Mulvaney's in the news. She's a current topic.

I will say that she has been quite upfront about not having genital surgery. I didn't know that before I posted this and I respect her for holding her own and accepting limits.

No, I'm not okay with Chaz having his vagina mutilated.

But tattoos, breast enhancements and piercings are not mutilation of working sex organs.

These genital mutilations are directed against LGBT people. I oppose it.


What is a woman?


Boobs, vagina and hair.


So you're bald?


I didn't say women are the only people with hair.


Men have boobs.


I didn't say women are the only people with boobs. 🤣


So you gonna answer the question?


Sugar and spice and everything nice.


A homosexual dude. Not a woman, then or now.
