MovieChat Forums > Christopher Columbus Discussion > Biggest historical figure after Jesus

Biggest historical figure after Jesus

Columbus singlehandedly influenced the course of world history and of hundreds of civilisations and billions of people.

Jesus aside, noone else has had the same weight in human history.


What about Nikola Tesla?


What about him?
He was even less influential than Edison.
Both great guys for the top 100.
Not THAT relevant to be #1


More Influential than Edison, Tesla came up with alternating current which made the power grid, as we know it today, possible. Most of our electronic technology wouldnt be possible without Tesla. The guy even predicted the use of cellphones.

Edison had big beef with the guy because Tesla made direct current go the way of the dodo. He did everything he could to destroy Tesla. He had monopolies on Central Power and Tesla was making electricity more stable and readily available to the world. Tesla even wanted electricity to be dirt cheap as so everyone could benefit. Tesla was an interesting and fascinating fellow. He came up with the Idea for Alternating Current while he daydreamed on a sunny day. Edison hated his ass, because he felt Tesla didnt need to work for his genius.

Im happy you acknowledge their importance though. But its tough for me to say the number 1 important person (after Jesus Christ) because so many figures in history hold important places for breaking grounds in discoveries that lead to other profundities. And most of the figures are interlinked because without earlier discoveries we wouldnt have the newer ones.

Without Columbus, we wouldnt have Tesla as he immigrated to America for a better life. No Edison, no Tesla. No Galileo, no Isaac Newton. List goes on.


Not really. The European Catholic Kings needed money and were funding expeditions to the Far East to find valuable trade items that they could monopolize on and CC was just one of many who rose up to the occasion so offer their seafaring expertise.

Columbus was actually a failure as he died poor with no influence or legacy and it wasn't until Italian-American politicians in the 1930s (we'd call the WOKE today) fostered and got Congress to enact a Holiday in his name. He has no bearing on American History either so it is very anachronistic that a mercenary working for European Aristocracy gets any American Holiday in the first place. On top of that, he wasn't even Italian as Italy did not even exist.


What a retarded post.
Can you write just a singe true fact?


I posted several facts, one of them being that Colombus was not Italian, he was Genoan but died a subject of the Spanish Kingdom whom he worked for.


Colombo being not Italian is a fact in your little imaginary world?
I rest my case.


Without Alexander the Great you wouldn't have Jesus
Without Constantine the Great you wouldn't have Christianity and the Spanish Empire
So after Jesus I think the List goes:


Columbus has a better story to tell, but influence wise i would also suggest Martin Luther, who singlehandedly reformed the church, is grounding father of evangelical protestants and translated the bible, so it was understandable to anyone. (a big thing at this time ;-)
Also Guthenberg got a huge influence with his introduction of (industrial) printing and making Information spreadable/reproducable, as it was never possible before.
Together with the translation of the Bible - and even without - it was a big step for humanity. In my opinion at least in a league with discovering the "new world".

Than we got also one more recent person:
Konrad Zuse: Built the first Computer based on the binary-system - as we are still using today.
