Is he a moderate?

I've heard he is more of a populist, ala Trump (without Trump's abrasive personality). Ron is fairly moderate on environmental issues.

DeSantis isn't the small-government, Christian-centered Republican, ala Ted Cruz.


He is similar to Trump,but more like Boris Johnson maybe


You’ll find people become abrasive when they deal with the 24/7 gaslighting from the Democrat media.

Republicans aren’t carried around and worshiped by the communist Democrat media at ABCNNBCBS. They aren’t brought on hate night tv for regular guy sit downs with audiences of lemmings.

They aren’t invited go on GMA and have a catch with Michael Strahan as Democrat campaign manager George Steffanopolis directs the show.

Desantis is moderate/right. He’s well spoken and represents his views well. Hence why he runs circles around the Democrat lemming media and their representatives.




Like Trump


Oh please. Most the Republicans called "conservative" are not real political right wingers. If you want to assess George W Bush for example, and his so-called "Neo-Conservatism", that's not really right wing either. It's big government, big war machine like FDR and Lyndon Johnson had.

But with his "Don't Say Gay" law in Florida, DeSantis is setting himself up as the leader of the Christian moralist right. So he stole Ted Cruz's thunder.

Trump did a lot of window dressing to appease the Christian right i.e. Supreme Court Justices. But Trump appeals to the more libertarian wing of the Republican Party, not the Christians. The Christians want a pro-active government to back them in their culture war. DeSantis has their vote now if Trump doesn't run.

Basically, none of these establishment Republicans like Bush, Romney, Trump, DeSantis are Christian fundies themselves. They just know they need the Christians to form a winning Republican coalition.
