Where does she live?

Does anyone know in which part of Atlanta and/or London Millie lives? I've heard her London home is in Middlesex but that covers a wide area. I know she used to live in Fayetteville just south of Atlanta but she moved from there in 2019 and I've seen where that house is from when it was on the market - really nice big house and garden. You can even see the fireplace where she did 'The Floss'. Just really curious (and nosy) as to the sorta area.


Anyone have any suggestions? I've seen elsewhere that she might live in West or Sth/west London, eg Ealing or Wimbledon, but someone else says East London in the Isle of Dogs area. Also, some are staying it's likely she's still in the Fayetteville area, but others say it's nearer Peachtree.

Someone must have some idea.


Creepy post.


Hey, now that she's nearly 19, anyone got any clues as to where she lives. Not like an address, just an area of Atlanta and London?
