MovieChat Forums > Millie Bobby Brown Discussion > Do you think Drake will have sex with he...

Do you think Drake will have sex with her now?

She's 16 now, so he can legally have a little hook-up with her in Alabama. I'll bet he's planning a nice romantic getaway.


You think Drake wants to have sex with your mom?


She's 73, so I doubt it.


I don't know why you brought age to a mom-fight.


this post is sickening


I don't make Alabama's laws,sorry.


What a horrendous topic. It may technically be legal in many states, as well as her home country the UK. But that doesn't mean it would be appropriate or socially acceptable.


Age of consent is 16 in 2/3 of US states. Typical in most democracies.


Yes. But American culture still defines a 18 year old girl "a child" altough its everything but a child! Absurd. In Europe we dont care about all of this,and we surely know that a 18 years old girl is not a child at all.


yeah europe is way better because we can bone children. fuck america


You really cant see that the problem here is the fact that you americans still think to a 18 year old as a "child"? And this is not only about sex,but about life in general. You americans see young boys and girls as children until 18,then as soon as they are 18,you kick them out of their houses,basically trasforming them from kids to adult in one second. While in Europe we have a gradual approach to growing up,which i think its better. But America will be America,i suppose.


It's because of their puritan history. In most states the age of consent is 16 but if you say something sexual about a 16, or even 17 year old, the lynch mob is straight onto you. Lord knows what they think about Germany's age of consent. It's also madness that they will consider a 17 year old a child, but will happily let them join the military and go to war. And here's me thinking only despot African countries sent children to fight.

