Friggin Love Her.

I hope she has a long career


i don't see a long one. may be able to do tv , but no one will pay to see her in movies


Exactly, she is a c list level actress at best.


I didn't say she'd become a movie star but wished her a long career. If she's still working in 20 I'd be happy for her.


Oh yea. Fine actress she is. I repeat… FINE ACTRESS.

Yea, how’s that PUNYsher fuckboy? That’s right, Imma keep it that way, scummy ho. So go cry about it, projecting simpy shitbag.


"Oh yea. Fine actress."

Correction. She is a great actress! You pathetic perverted simp.


Dat projection tho.

Oh what I meant to say is… oh, “anti-simp” Chad bro! What have I done? Yes true Alpha Chad bro, I done messed up! Forgive me for I have simped (incorrectly), O mighty anti-Simper! My baddies, you oh-so badass broflake one! (Projecting Simp.) I take the L for all the weak simps not anti-simping the correct way! Yes, Chad Ho! You hardcore… little petty fuckboy biatch!

Be mad about it, chud


She won’t do much after Halloween. Her acting is subpar, she may do some low tier movies and TV series, but she is no leading lady material for big movies/series and she also looks like she is 40 when she is like 28. She is not popular either, she has a meager following on social media. She won't have a good career.


Very cute. never heard of her before though.
