MovieChat Forums > Ben Shapiro Discussion > Destroyed by Ana Kasparian in a recent d...

Destroyed by Ana Kasparian in a recent debate

Full debate:


All Shapiro knows is to "debunk" low hanging fruit arguments from the left and talk fast to try and overwhelm his opponent. Ana completely floored him in this debate just like she did that loudmouth Toni Lahren.


I noticed that. Shapiro has a pattern, like the Right-Winger here, he starts right in assuming superiority and making insulting comments about the Left in his smug condescending voice. the problem is that as long as the crazies on the Left have hundreds of millions of dollars to thrown around, and I bet they have a bunch of that money overseas in the Panana, Paradise and Pandora papers accounts that get laundered and pushed back into circulation as political graft - nothing is going to change. If you have enough money that you are prepared to spend, you can buy your own government for the most part.


No dude Ben Shapiro eviscerated Ana Kasparian with his devastating fast talking blitzkrieg.


I haven't seen the whole debate just a part, was as embarrassing as his analysis of the song Imagine?


never saw that


Is a new level of cringe


Nope. But thanks for playing.


It's interesting how the side we agreed with before watching always happens to be the side we think "destroyed".


“Highlights” brought to us by the Young Turks. 🤣
