MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Why do MovieChat losers call every actre...

Why do MovieChat losers call every actress names and say they are ugly?

God, has the level of conversation gone down here to the below the bottom of the barrel. Stupid male losers with nothing in the lives show up and talk shit about every young actress that is meaningless. Go find any discussion on the IMDB forums and they have some actual intelligence to them, but now almost all of what we get is this disgusting stuff.

Daisy Ridley is far above average in looks and acting ability, that is why she got the parts she got. But you losers who do this same nonsense with every female star are the ugly losers.


Do you see know why the imdb forums were shot down? It wasn't that much better.


In later years you are right, but have you ever gone digging through movie chat and looked at some of the old discussion threads? There are a lot of them that are pretty good, and that get people commenting on them 12 years later!.


I wouldn’t bother arguing with MovieChatUser497 if I were you. The guy is clearly seriously unhinged.


True, but I wouldn't exactly say I am arguing with him - though to your point any interaction with him is a waste of time - that's what trolls aim for. The mods do not do anything with trolls like that.


LOL he didn’t even try because he knows his entire premise is just baseless speculation and lies. Now he’s just trying to find a convenient way out of this.


As soon as I hear or see someone call an actress like Daisy Ridley ugly, I just know it's a male whose only experience with women is through internet porn or magazines like FHM. I imagine a guy like that simply uses women as masturbation fodder and decides she's "ugly" if she doesn't get him off. In another thread, someone posted a picture of what Rey should've looked like, and it was so ridiculous I thought the guy was joking (the pic rendered her as a slutty porn type in a trashy dress, with side boobs and big Kardashian ass). But he said he wasn't joking at all. She should've looked like a porn star. 🤔


I think you kind of answered your own question as they are losers.

Some of them might be women too who are jealous of her beauty.


"I'd hate whoever I want to".

Side note: there are expensive cigars and wines to prove they are neither men-child nor losers.


Idk but she is obviously pretty


Yeah, but even if she was not, look at the comments made. They are massive haters who do not just say they don't acre for someone's looks, but they have to wage a war against their entire beings, call them disgusting names, and on and on.

Same kind of thing with Skylar in Breaking Bad and Lori in Walking Dead. There's a lot of sick people out there full of hate.


Because each and every one of them are fat asses. I can guarantee you of that. Not a skinny one in the bunch...


You are covering a lot of Americans with that comment ... not only the misogynists on MovieChat! ;-)


Yeah I know. 😂😂😂 Its almost always a safe bet. I love when some says they are not. If you have substantial love handles...guess what???


I don't think there is rampant trolling of young women's looks on this site. I've seen it, but you seem to think it's the dominating this site.

Is your problem that people are simply saying they don't find someone attractive - like you don't think it should be allowed - or is it the wording that bothers you?


to me it seems is over-represented and vicious to a point that it never was before. Look at the posts on Daisy Ridley ... almost every one is like that.

>> I've seen it, but you seem to think it's the dominating this site.

Nice non-qualified perception. If you want to challenge my point here, look at this page and classify the comments, and then look at say Luke Skywalker's page and compare the hate.


There is not some mass epidemic on this site of people constantly trashing women's looks, you goof. I check the You're lucky if there's 1 younger actress trending at any given moment. You're REALLY exaggerating.
