MovieChat Forums > Brittney Griner Discussion > These "deserve what she gets" types want...

These "deserve what she gets" types want to see the US turn into a Russian gulag

Fellow US citizens, please take note: People here are absolutely gleeful at the idea of a young female American citizen - an athlete, not a radical dissident - being held in a foreign despotic prison for what is not a crime here in the United States.

When you consider who you are voting for as our next elections come around, please consider what sort of candidates support and are supported by these champions of cruel and inordinate punishment of American citizens. This faction craves the opportunity to exert despicable control and power over the majority of the peaceful and caring citizens of the United States.

Don't let this happen. We have enough newly minted tools of regression and oppression as it is.


I 'd be glad to get rid of all the dopeheads in our country. 🤔


If you slavery was legal in Russia would you think a Russian could come over her and bring a slave? You live by the laws in the country you are in or go to, this stupid lesbo thought she was above the law. Now she gets to pay the price for her arrogance. Fuck her, she isn't worth wasting any effort to bring her back.


So, by your reasoning if a citizen of, say, Germany, Switzerland, Greece or many other countries came to our country they should be allowed to hire prostitutes because it’s legal in their homeland.


Yeah baby!!!


The US is exporting it's criminals and you want them to bail her out too LOL.


Leftists love bailing out criminals.


OP: Shouldn’t criminals pay for their crimes? She fucked up! She should admit it and pay the price.


She has pleaded guilty, which from what I've read was the smart thing to do in Russia. By saying the arrest was just, they'll give her half a sentence at least. They'll still have enough sentence to bargain for a prisoner swap. Win-win for the Russkies - they get an admission of guilt and they still have her to swap.

Griner will be home for Christmas in a grand gesture of "humanity" (and a Russian prisoner to be named later).


Shut your ass, leftist. Normal people believe in the rule of law. It has nothing to do with her doing something that isn't a crime HERE. She did something that IS a crime THERE! You leftists think you're entitled to US rights, wherever you go.


Close the southern border completely off then come back and preach your crap to us.
