MovieChat Forums > Jacob Tremblay Discussion > Easily the snub of the decade

Easily the snub of the decade

i can't think of a bigger snub in the last 5 years or so than Jacob not being nominated. Doesn't even make sense. Dude gave the best performance of matter of age or genre. That's a shame for him. Could be once in a lifetime kind of thing...never know.


He was terrific!! I can't wait to see him in something else. He should have been nominated along with Brie. They both were so good it was like being there!!


He was incredible


Jacob Tremblay didn't get nominated.

And Jada Pinkett Smith is mad?

We're through talking.


Nothing to add but, I totally agree.

I am a lioness. I will not cringe for them.


He was good in Room. He wasn't amazing, though.
All the Oscar nominated actors deserved to be there.


Really? You think Sylvester Stallone was better than him? Sorry, this kid *was* amazing in Room. His performance was so totally believable and multifaceted. I think it was a huge oversight on the Academy's part.


Could not agree more. This boy was phenomenal and made the movie as powerful as it was.

Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up!


Well I for one do believe Sylvester Stallone was better than Jacob Tremblay - in the SUPPORTING ACTOR category. There is no way on earth Jacob should have been considered for that category when he was clearly lead. I was very pleased he did not make the cut in supporting as it would have been one of the worst cases of category fraud in the history of the Oscars.

However, if you are talking being snubbed for LEAD ACTOR, then, yes, Jacob was clearly snubbed.
