He did compare the two, but people are taking those comments out of context. (live by the woke, die by the woke, I guess).
I saw the old tweets, but he was basically just saying that in researching pedophilia, he realized that there is a strong biological basis for it. And he used homosexuality as an example. Homosexuality, as modern science recognizes, is not a choice.
He wasn't defending pedophilia as being okay, and he wasn't saying homosexuality was not okay lol.
He was encouraging sympathy for ppl who were dealt a negative genetic hand, but as I recall, he wasn't suggesting anything beyond that.
If he'd pick something else like...addictive behavior, he'd be making the same point. We know some ppl are genetically opposed to addiction. It doesn't mean that we're saying that we're giving them a pass, but we want to do what we can to help people who suffer from that.
edit: found tweets here: https://twitter.com/XMENMAGlK/status/1438679565531062274