MovieChat Forums > Emily Bett Rickards Discussion > I don't care for Felicity's 'New Look'

I don't care for Felicity's 'New Look'

I hope they go back to the plainer girl-next-door look from last season for her instead of the "hotter" look she had by the end of the first episode of this season. Her "dorky nerdy girl" appearance was one of the most appealing things about her.

Þæs ofereode, ðisses swa mæg. -- Deor


Yes, however, she's no longer in the dorky tech/lab analyst position. She's now portraying Oliver's administrative assistant. She upgraded. I liked her plain look as well, but I have no qualms about change. At least she's getting more screen time.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


she's hot~!


Agreed. When I watched the first few minutes of Season 2, Episode 6, I was amazed to realize he has a better bod than Kaley Cuoco {"The Big Bang Theory). She has already become the dominant female lead on the show; in fact, "Felicity" is now a "full partner" with "Oliver" and "Diggle". Sexy nerds with a sense of humor are always welcome.


When I watched the first few minutes of Season 2, Episode 6, I was amazed to realize he has a better bod than Kaley Cuoco {"The Big Bang Theory).I assume that was a typo and you meant she “has a better bod than Kaley” (otherwise if you were talking about Oliver, then that’s a strange comparison to make, and a difficult/ineffective/invalid one at that… apples and oranges).

(Response notification is off.)


You do realize the "new look" is part of her new "disguise". She's posing as Oliver's secretary even though we all know she serves a much greater role in his life.


A secretary doesn't necessarily have to look "glamourous." I'm glad they've at least gone back to her ponytail instead of the more sophisticated hairstyle she had for a little while. That was my main objection.

Þæs ofereode, ðisses swa mæg. -- Deor


Completely disagree with you OP. To each their own.

"A true archer doesn't even need a bow or an arrow."



No one wants to look at a plain female character, especially one based on comics were she would look 100% perfect with nice big boobs.

& the actress is a Hot piece of ass too. In fact, she should be sexied up a bit more. I didnt even notice her new look, so clearly it isnt enough. Maybe fire that pointless Summer Glau , & use that money on a better wardrobe for Felicity. I mean, she has already made Laurel a pointless "Lana Lang" of a character & cast member. But then again, Black Canary never should have been involved in this show to begin with.
