MovieChat Forums > Harry Styles Discussion > Taking advantage of the lgbt Community?

Taking advantage of the lgbt Community?

Harry Styles presented himself (especially this year) very often in a dress.
Yes, you can say that he is really brave for doing this.
And of course he doesn*t want to be labelled.
BUT which guy would actually like to wear dresses?
And here comes the thing that acutally bothers me! Harry Styles is straight, he has nothing to do with a life of gay or bisexual person! He also always been dating woman!!!
And now with these pictures the whole LGBT Community is going crazy BUT Harry is not even part of it!!!!


1990 - want to be unique = listen to cool bands, have left wing opinions, like obscure books and films.
2000 - want to be unique = listen to cool bands, have left wing opinions, like obscure books and films, dye your hair.
2010 - want to be unique = listen to cool bands, have homosexual experiences, get tattoos.
2020 - want to be unique = identify as an unknown gender that has never existed before, claim you have been oppressed.


every human has a sexuality. Whether it is straight or bi or homosexual, you are in of these directions.
There is a word for white people acting like blacks and that is called blackfishing.
I really adore Harry for many things but what he does is called gayfishing!


I read an article about some... person... who identified as 30% male, 70% female. This... person... used some weird pronoun.

S/he claimed that their sexuality was so fluid the percentages changed day to day!

There are times when I feel like identifying as extraterrestrial because I sure ain't living on earth anymore.


Kind of!


I know a couple of men who are straight, but prefer women's clothing. Cross dressing isn't something that is specific to trans individuals. A lot of cross dressers do identify as straight.


I am sure that your friends might not be completely straight. Why would u want to wear a dress as a straight male if u are not a bit on the other side?


I am not an expert on the topic, but if you would like to read up on it, there are resources available which explain why straight men cross dress.


Why would straight women want to dress like a man? A dress is a dress, there's nothing inherently feminine about it other than cultural norms we've adopted over the centuries. They used to wear togas back in the day, which is not so dissimilar.


Because gender expression and sexuality have absolutely nothing to do with each other?

Back in the day before this gender ideology you had 10x more cross-dressers than transsexuals and most of them were straight men. And even today a lot of transwomen (male to female) are attracted to women rather than men.

But sure drag as a performative act has had a strong tie with the gay scene (so I guess that's where people get that image in their head) but that's still just a small part of cross-dressers in total.


He's just with high iq. Not very civil though.


Gender fluidity has become a thing nowadays, just look at how actor Tchalamet dresses and behaves on red carpets, or the way Shawn Mendes behaves on set. Those juvenile icons are representing a new wave of bodily image rarely seen before in pop culture.


yes, I see that but I think Harry is taking it too far. There is not show where he doesn't cover himself with gay flags and wearing shorter dresses. You can support the lgbt community without faking to be a part of it.


He's practically a manipulative con artist at this point


How do you know his sexuality though? Just because up until this time he's dated women? Lots of people explore their sexuality it doesn't make them fake.


He has never been with males, only with females and that makes him straight.


You don't have to sleep with the same sex to be attracted to the same sex.


what? so as a male you sleep with girl while u are actually attracted to men? Is that what u really trying to say?


How do you know who he has slept with?


well, if you are sharing lots of time with ur partner u will propably be seen outside with this person, right?
He always got seen with ladies but never with men. So make ur own conclusions


I don't make conclusions. I haven't seen him with anyone.


You have never seen him with Olivia Wilde, Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner and so on?


Nope. I don't care.


Are u being honest?


I'm being very honest. I haven't seen him with any of those women. I did just this second google him, and I guess he's dating Oliva Wilde at the moment and there's negative feedback? I'm assuming it's the age gap. I didn't read because I really couldn't care less who Harry Styles is dating, or if he wears a dress.

I commented a couple of years ago that I have known a few straight (maybe bi?) men who like wearing skirts. I work in the arts/theatre. People wear non conforming clothes sometimes. I don't care. I have seen allies deck themselves out in rainbows to show support. I know many straight folk who show up in all sorts of sparkly clothing to counter protest the street preachers at pride corner in my city. I don't care what they wear, and I don't care what their sexuality is. I only know because they've told me.

If a straight man wants to wear a pink dress, good for him. Please tell me why I should care?


I'm not a male, what great perception you have Nina 🙄

He could be bisexual, and that's completely up to him to explore. LGBTQ Q is for Questioning, not everyone feels like they are one thing or another and that's okay.


Q is for queer



They call it "queer bating". Styles is a straight white man, so surviving in an industry which is currently staunchly against being a straight white man is no easy task. He's doing the right thing for his career. Taika Waititi is another one doing this but has a taken a beating recently for some things he's said, as long as Harry doesn't talk too much about being an "icon" he should be safe.


When you have no discernible's best to 'grift' to whatever degeneracy is popular that week?


who are you to decide who can wear what clothing?

who are you to determinecwhat clothes are gender dependent?

who are you to put labels on people?

I will stop there while you reflect on why you think you can make decisions for others.


He showers himself with all the fame and support he gets by the lgbt community by faking to be a part of it. he is not! he is a straight white men who has no clue what it's like to be living in a minority group


so now you're telling the LGBT community they should only support who you think they should support.


What is wrong with you?

Yes. It's weird that he wears a dress. But seriously. Who gives a fuck. It's like wearing pink. It's fucking weird that guys wear pink now. But whatever. Doesn't mean they're baiting anyone.


I am not mad he is wearing a dress, I am mad because he is pretending to be gay which is not the case!!


He’s never pretended to be gay - what are you on about?


Well, he dresses up as a gay guy and always hugs himself with those pride flags


But, and here’s the really important part, he’s never pretended to be gay.


He did. He did sing in His Song medicine, that he likes to make out with girls and boys


Bisexual then - not gay.


Pink was the original color for boys before they switched it.


When were boys allowed to wear pink?


Even up to the early 20th century, pink was the colour for baby boys and blue for baby girls.


Thanks, I never knew that.


That’s because it’s troll bullshit.


At the beginning of the 20th century, some stores began suggesting “sex-appropriate” colors. In 1918 the trade publication Earnshaw’s Infants’ Department claimed the “generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” Additionally, a 1927 issue of Time noted that large-scale department stores in Boston, Chicago, and New York suggested pink for boys.

Pink used to be a boy's colour and blue a girl's – here's why it all changed
