
And yet, he's regarded as a 'hero' by some parts of the left (presumably the parts like the Socialist Workers Party members who cleared several of its leading figures of serious sexual misconduct towards women).

And no, I don't wish to see him extradited to the US, where he runs the (admittedly unlikely) risk of execution for treason.

Still, let's not pretend this sex offender is a 'hero'.


Oh be real. He wouldn't be executed for treason when his co-conspirator wasn't because at the end of the day, Manning was much more culpable for than Assange was. Assange simply helped Manning break the codes of the stole data.


Read what I typed again: where he runs the (admittedly unlikely) risk of execution for treason.

That said, we can't trust the Trump administration bearing in mind that following Obama's decision to commute Chelsea Manning's sentence, it served her an indeterminate sentence for refusing to give further evidence to a secret grand jury. Who knows what vindictive shit it may seek to do to Assange, a man, I stress, that I do not particularly care for.


You're as paranoid as Assange. Too dumb to google "treason"?


owever, the preliminary investigation into the more serious allegation remained open as the statute of limitations for this charge was not expected to expire until 2020.[35] Swedish authorities interviewed Assange on this allegation in November 2016.[36]

Revocation of arrest warrant
On 19 May 2017, the Swedish chief prosecutor applied to the Stockholm District Court to rescind the arrest warrant for Julian Assange,[37] effectively ceasing their investigation against Julian Assange.


Assange's alleged victim is currently urging the Swedish Chief Prosecutor to reopen the case.

I for one would like to see all allegations of rape and serious sexual abuse thoroughly investigated and taken to court before we can definitively say 'x is probably innocent.'


Well your topic title is in the "X is probably guilty" category...


I'm a feminist. I take rape seriously. I sincerely believed you did too.


You mean you're a feminist, so you hate men, and all men are guilty - even though sexual assault can occur in both directions.


Yes, but mostly by men towards women (and I speak as someone who has experienced sexual assault, by women).


I thought technically men on men sexual assault was the most likely?


Only if you include prison (and I'm not suggesting you shouldn't).

Excluding rape among prisoners, I believe the vast majority of rapes involve male on female violence.


A feminist AND hates men.
Feminism has nothing to do with hatred. That’s a separate issue for some.


I had always considered feminism to be the fight for equality between women and men - which is why I'm surprised that in this day and age, in western society, that feminism is as big as it is ...


Seeing as the title is RAPIST, I’d say it’s more along the lines of: he’s a RAPIST.

I’m a feminist too. I also see how dangerous it is to automatically assume guilt based on the charge.


Or based on one’s dislike for the accused.


I tend to believe rape complainants unless there is a compelling reason not to.


And you cannot think any any reason why a false allegation would be leveled against someone of Assange's profile?

How narrow minded of you.


So, let's dismiss serious sexual assault allegations because of the identity of the man involved?


I'm no fan of Assange either, but having followed that whole Swedish saga pretty closely as it happened it appeared to me to be driven by behind-the-scenes political considerations. The US Justice Department appears to be the hidden hand behind why the case was initially re-opened by a different prosecutor after Assange had been questioned and left Sweden.

The reasons given as to why Assange had to return to Sweden when they demanded to question him again instead of just conducting the questioning in London just weren't that compelling.

The fact the DoJ had him under a sealed secret indictment as was unintentionally revealed last year in an unrelated case would appear to support this theory.


5 mins of research will tell you those "rape" allegations are completely bogus.


You're preaching to the choir. You should inform the OP.


Yeah that was meant to be aimed at malko, sorry.


Nor am I crazy about him but I got the same impression as you did eyeDef.


Don't you think someone being a global celebrity for political reasons is reason enough for someone to lie about him?


Why do you wish to see that? If he’s found innocent you’ll be so disappointed.


Courts of law don't find defendants 'innocent'.

But why do you suppose he is innocent? The overwhelming majority of rape complainants are genuine.


I suppose he’s innocent? Where did I say that?


You didn't. My bad if it was an incorrect assumption. As incorrect as your assumption that I'll be 'disappointed' if he were to be found innocent (not that it is a legal possibility).

Nevertheless, he should be held to account for any of the charges put against him. He shouldn't be given a pass simply because of what he represents to the liberal-left. And as a side point, I do respect and admire Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden (even accepting for my doubt that all the information they released was in the public's interest), because apart from anything else they have not had serious sexual assaults linked to their names.


So all it would take is someone to make an accusation at either of them and your admiration for them would be gone. Have you heard of something called the presumption of innocence?


I don't know if Julian is a rapist or not. I usually like seeing something called "evidence" before judging on that shit. That said i don't have a high opinion of him either. I think the movie Fifth Estate showed what Assange really is. A egomaniac who really doesn't care about who he hurts especially if it forward his anti-establishment BS. In the words of a Alfred Pennyworth "Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn".


He also strikes me as an egomaniac, which is one of the reasons I find the sexual assault/rape charges made against him plausible.


Well you do have a point.


They mean: "He is a man, which is one of the reasons I find the sexual assault/rape charges made against him plausible."


I'm a man. I'm not a rapist. It is possible. 🙂


Perhaps it should read 'man of status' then.

You openly state that you have not seen any evidence and you don't appear interested in the evidence anyway because you already believe he is guilty because you perceive them as an 'egomaniac'.

That is unjust on so many levels.


He is a registered sex offender is he?

What has he been convicted of?

Oh right, it's guilty with no chance of innocence as usual.


didnt he technically not rape. he just put holes in the condoms. which is pretty bad but not as bad as rapin


Well, that's still pretty bad.

It may even fit the definition of rape in some jurisdictions because he's eliciting consent via false pretences.


girls do this stuff pretty often as well. would it still be rape if a chick did this to a dude?


Actually, according to the complainant, he had sex with her whilst she was asleep. That's rape! I don't care, and neither does the law, if they had consensual sex whilst she was awake.

And yes, if a woman intentionally put holes in a man's condom or her diaphragm, and it can be proven, that's terrible. It's still not rape, but in all fairness there should be some legal penalty. But if the woman falls pregnant, what to you do? Compel her to have an abortion? It's an awkward scenario with no clear right answer.



The allegations were simply that he had consensual sex with a couple of women without comdom. According to Swedish law, that case you must WARN your partner that you're having sex with another person (because of STD risk). If you don't warn your partner, then it's considered that the consent is not valid and it's considered rape.

Then there were (too) some allegations about a broken comdom and whether he had broken it on purpose by fucking too hard. As he fucked too hard and he had no consent to have a broken comdom by fucking too hard, it's considered non consensual and then rape.

Modern Swedish law.



There are two allegations: https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/4/12/18306901/julian-assange-arrest-wikileaks-rape-sweden-embassy

One is by a woman who claims Assange had sex with her, without a condom, whilst she was asleep.


idk if i believe all that. this dude did the usa dirty and there are gonna be consequences when u go against the biggest gangster in this world. whatever he is accused of u gotta take it with a grain of salt. honestly im really surprised this brave motherfucker is still alive


Brave?!? LMAO! He's been hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy for the last seven years.


idk what u done with your life but that son of a bitch has more balls than me, you, and everybody in Kalamazoo combined. the united states industrial military complex is the most powerful organization that this world has ever seen. to go against something like that takes true bravery. this man is a true patriot, he ruined his own life to expose the truth and spread important information to his fellow man. i dont know how anyone in there right mind would call him a coward because he was chilling at the ecuadorian embassy for seven years. if u had uncle sam hunting after you i am sure you would do the same thing...


I've never raped anyone. I can confidently say that about myself.

And I've never knowingly endangered lives.

Yes, Assange and Chelsea Manning should be commended for a lot of the information they released, but I still suspect that some of that information also put service people needlessly at risk, and that isn't the act of a patriot.



Another Borat(itcus) Bites the Dust!


Wait, what? He put holes in condoms?


thats what i heard. this dude got like 4 kids with 4 different chicks i think. thats his thing. we wears a condom but sneakly breaks its and puts his seed into women. girls do this sometimes as well if they are getting with someone who has lots of money or fame. its a dick move but its not rape, these girls had consensual sex with him


Thats some bs story. This thread is hilarious, people just making assumptions about his guilt haven´t even read what actually happened.


what happened then? inform us



Im not saying I know the truth, but it definitely sounds more feasible than a guy poking holes in condoms.


Thanks for the link. So the non-rape charge is for refusing to use a condom?

Tuesday, a lawyer representing the Swedish government laid out for a British judge four specific charges of sexual misconduct, three related to Miss A and one related to Miss W. The word “rape” was not part of the charges but “unlawful coercion” and Assange’s alleged reluctance to use condoms was.


I don´t know, its all very odd.


He's even more of a hero than I thought, for flouting Sweden's draconian rape laws. It's not rape just because the woman regrets her decision a year later. She should be the one in jail.


Do you have a bet with someone that you can find the worst possible take for every single topic?

