MovieChat Forums > Nikki Haley Discussion > She's lying about being a Christian.

She's lying about being a Christian.

Religion, and her conversion to Christianity, has made Haley suspect in the eyes of both Christians and non-Christians. The first time she ran for the South Carolina Legislature, she identified both with her parents’ Sikh religion and with the Methodist faith of her husband. As she grew in political stature, however, her campaign faced more and more questions that sounded something like this: “OK, she’s talking about God, but which God?”

Once she was in the Legislature, her conservative colleagues’ skepticism could be cruel. According to a 2021 Politico Magazine profile, “Some of her Republican colleagues would try to provoke her with jokes about alien gods; others would force uncomfortable discussions about religion.” Jake Knotts, a veteran GOP lawmaker, said: “Everybody knew she wasn’t a real Christian. Everyone knew she converted for political purposes. Her whole career has been stair-climbing, and becoming a Methodist was just one of those stairs.”

Haley has also faced questions and criticism about her conversion to Christianity from South Asian Americans and other racial minority groups. She is seen by some as a racial and religious “sell-out.”

In a political culture where “flip-flopping” is a derisive term, religious conversion can look like the ultimate flip-flop: a disloyalty not just to a political position or party but to God.


So what?


It's disingenuous. Ann Coulter calls her a cow and a rat worshiper.🤣


She's Indian. Wouldn't she be a Hindu?


Most Indians are Hindu. But her parents are Sikh.

My point here is she converted to Christianity all a sudden for political motives.

She's just another disingenuous pol.


Absolutely agree. Like all of these politicians, definitely, "Christian."


Obama was another one. He had no connections to the black church until he went into politics.


All politicians group identify when it's convenient. It's pathetic.


Is she capable of skinwalking?


Well, that would give her ONE talent, at least.


Only she and God know the truth.


Good if any of you MAGAts are actually Christians! Hilarious!


Fool, I'm a Democrat and a Hindu myself.


She can be both. Only western monotheist religions have a problem with other gods. Eastern religions have always been polytheist, except for those atheist Buddists!


But Christianity demands exclusivity though. You can't say there's another way besides Jesus.


The commandant says: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." That doesn't exclude other gods; it allows them with a lower priority.


Interesting theory. But Christianity accepts only three deities, the ones in the trinity. Any other "god" has always been dismissed as a demon. Their worship is not allowed on any level of priority.


God's word, the Ten Commandments, clearly state other gods exist. Men made up the "rule" you claim.


Again, if they exist, Christians cannot worship them.


Not according to God, but to man. Thank for your thoughts.


I love theology. Yes, I believe it's obvious the Hebrews believed there were other gods besides Yahweh. But it's not in the Ten Commandments. And Christians didn't acknowledge them.


Would she fit in better with your MAGA crowd if she was a rapist and gun grabber like your buddy Trump?


MAGA? 🤣 I'm a gay anarchist who lives in California and wants to kill the rich.


You wouldn't say that if you were rich.


Trump also lies about that. He is so much in Christianity as I am as rich as him.


Of course. They all lie about it. Obama is another one. He was an atheist at Harvard and then suddenly found the black church when he went into politics. Hallelujah!


Not to mention Jordan Peterson. He's making millions pretending to be religious.


Couldn't care less. All that matters is if she will make our lives as affordable, free, and safe as they were before Brandon took over. That will take balls, and she doesn't have them.
