The tragedy of Jazz Jennings
At the age of five, Jaron socially transitioned to become a ‘girl’ and was renamed Jazz Jennings. Aged 14, he started fronting his own hugely successful reality-TV series, I Am Jazz. Now in its eighth season, the series has charted the lives of Jazz, his family and friends as well as the long and complex medical procedures of his gender reassignment, from puberty blockers to eventual castration and the creation of a ‘neovagina’.
If we are to believe the trans lobby, for whom Jazz is now a prominent advocate, he is walking proof of the importance of early ‘affirmation’ of transgender identity in children. But like so much of the propaganda churned out by the trans movement, the true story of Jazz is much darker than we have been led to believe. Now 21 years old, Jazz has become a tragic figure. Obese, depressed and often suffering from anxiety attacks, he has struggled to form anything remotely like an intimate relationship.
Jazz’s physical problems go deeper still. He has been on puberty blockers since the age of 11. These drugs stop the normal process of development that happens during puberty, such as the growth of genitals. So when it was time to do his ‘sex change’ surgery, his surgeon discovered Jazz’s penis was tiny. The vaginoplasty was invented for adults with adult-sized genitals, not boys who had never gone through puberty.
When surgeons invert an adult penis they hope to retain as much of the sensation as possible. Given that Jazz has never had adult male genitals with sexual sensation, it is almost impossible for him to have sexual sensations now. It is also pretty inconceivable he’ll ever be able to orgasm.
This may explain the curious shadow that hangs over I Am Jazz. Over the years, he has attempted three brief ‘relationships’. Just one of them led to even a kiss. In all of them, poor Jazz behaves like a curious visitor from another planet, trying to decode the strange rituals of human beings. In series eight, Jeanette and a friend discuss whether Jazz might be asexual. ‘She’s all over the place’, opines Jeanette. I wonder why.