Wow, how ignorant can you possibly be?
"Israelies" are mostly immigrants, that came to Israel in the past century.
I'm an Israeli, I look (in colors, i wish i was that beautiful) like those you mentioned. Why? because my grandparents came from europe. Poland and Hungary to be exact.
Israelies and Arabs are nothing alike. We don't ride camels, we don't speak arabic, we are civilized people who come from all over the world.
You've got Israelies whose origins are from Eastern europe, western europe, from Yemmen, Marroco and even Ethiopia (excuse me if my spelling is wrong). We've got people from Russia and south america.
Unlike us, Arabs come only from arab countries. The precentage of Israelies who are "true israelies", meaning their ancestors are Israelies, are very minor. maybe 5% at most.