MovieChat Forums > Shay Mitchell Discussion > Does Her Acting Improve?

Does Her Acting Improve?

I just started watching PLL, I'm currently at the start of the 2nd season. If Shay wasn't such eye candy, I would skip her scenes. Her acting is atrocious and Emily's lack of depth is cringeworthy. I do try to give actors the benefit of the doubt if the writing is sucky.

Does Shay's acting improve later on in later seasons?

Angelina Jolie. Liz Taylor. Bette Davis. Charlize Theron. Mae West.


Her go-to expression is to furrow her brow all the time. And sometimes she'll offer a subdued smile which I think is meant to signify a bit of shyness. That's her full range as an actress, take it or leave it.

Exactly what I was thinking.It's like her face is able to have only one expression.She's so beautiful,she could be a model....but definitely not an actress.
