MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Da Five Bloods, The Last Black Man in Sa...

Da Five Bloods, The Last Black Man in San Francisco

Great BLACK films about the way society has marginalised BLACK people.

It appears to me, someone is trying to silence the Black man...

And it's sad to see it's not *just* the explicit MAGA-hat-wearing white supremacist right-wing who are doing it, but also USEFUL IDIOT allies, who self-identify as 'woke' 'feminists'... *sigh* πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Probably the same 'woke' 'feminists' who despise trans women.


I think most people who follow movies were bummed to hear about Majors. When I saw the headline I gave an audible oh no. There are hypocritical takes such as why was Josh Brolin allowed to be Thanos given his domestic violence past and not Majors remain Kang? It may be that today, the bar is simply higher and people can't get away with things anymore. In any corporate job today if you put your hands on someone (male or female) that's the end, you're fired. I don't think people would excuse a white guy actor strangling a woman either. Like I said it's a bummer for those of us that put energy into supporting and enjoying his career.


I don't hit/touch without consent any woman, or man, for that matter.

But we're all different and a lot of people, especially bigshots, do problematic things, and all this judgemental BS is really doing my head in. I'm not excusing abuse here. Like I say, *I* don't hit/illicitly touch anyone, so NO ONE can legitimately accuse *me* of 'misogyny' or any such BS. But maybe we have to be more forgiving about other people's transgressions. I suspect a lot of the people judging aren't so 'virtuous' themselves. 😠


So true regarding people's virtue judging. A mob has no individual history to scrutinize.
