MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Jonathan Majors Should Release Video Tha...

Jonathan Majors Should Release Video That Could Exonerate Him of Assault Charges 'as Soon as Possible'

Rosen says the Creed III star, 33, could clear his by showing the public what really happened "if in fact there is video evidence, which his team maintains," says Rosen, who does not represent anyone involved in the case.

"The next few days are critical to this story," he continues. "Anytime there's a crisis involved, and especially with a celebrity, timing is key. But if in fact, what Majors' team is saying turns out to not be true, then that's a whole different story."

Majors was arrested in New York City on Saturday, per police. Priya Chaudhry, Majors' criminal defense lawyer, maintained in a statement shared on Sunday with PEOPLE that the actor is "completely innocent and is probably the victim of an altercation with a woman he knows."

"We are quickly gathering and presenting evidence to the District Attorney with the expectation that all charges will be dropped imminently," Chaudhry stated. "This evidence includes video footage from the vehicle where this episode took place, witness testimony from the driver and others who both saw and heard the episode, and most importantly, two written statements from the woman recanting these allegations."


If he was a saint the video would be all over the news! It’s withheld for a reason. To protect Majors. What is lawyers are spewing is just noise.,


Your conspiracy theory just fell apart!


Na bro


Jonathan Majors’ Lawyer Releases Text Messages He Claims Show Woman Taking Blame for Fight

An attorney for Jonathan Majors released text messages on Thursday that he claims came from the woman whom he is accused of assaulting, in which she appears to take the blame for the fight.

In three sets of messages — provided by Chaudhry and redacted to protect the woman’s privacy — the woman allegedly wrote, “Please let me know you’re okay when you get this. They assured me that you won’t be charged. They said they had to arrest you as protocol when they saw the injuries on me and they knew we had a fight. I’m so angry that they did. And I’m sorry you’re in this position. Will make sure nothing happens about this. I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone. I only just got out of hospital. Just call me when you’re out. I love you.”

In a follow-up text message, which was sent a few hours later, she says, “They just called again to check on me and I reiterated how this was not an attack and they do not have my blessing on any charges being placed. I read the paper they gave me about strangulation and I said point blank this did not occur and should be removed immediately. The judge is definitely going to be told this. She ensured this to me. I know you have the best team and there’s nothing to worry about I just want you to know that I’m doing all I can my end. I also said to tell the judge to know that the origin of the call was to do with me collapsing and passing out and your worry as my partner due to our communication prior. Out of care. She promised all will be relayed.”

Chaudhry previously has said there is evidence clearing Majors. A representative for Majors also denied the allegations after Majors was released from custody on Saturday night. “He has done nothing wrong,” his publicist told Variety. “We look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up.”


They said they had to arrest you as protocol when they saw the injuries on me and they knew we had a fight.


LOl at his lawyers actually think this will help.

We have a classic case where woman is being beaten by her boyfriend/husband. And sometimes she or other people call cops when beating gets out of control. And woman is scared she will be killed. But she calls cops only because she wants him to stop at this moment and to cool off.

And then when things cool off she doesnt want him to be arrested and anything. She just wants things to go normal and that he would change and promise to not beat her again. So she takes charges back and returns ho him. Then beatings starts again....

This is literally the case. She assures him that she will say that it was her who did something bad so that he would not be arrested. And apologize to him that cops arrested him because they her being beaten up.


She’s only beaten when she deserves it!


This is exactly right. Textbook abuse victim mentality after the fact. What she is doing is exactly why the state presses charges despite the victim asking not too.


We have a classic case where a random idiot on a message board assumes facts not in evidence, and proceeds to spool out further stupidity.

You weren't there. None of us were. All you can do is consider the facts: There was an altercation of some sort, *Majors* called 911, since NY has incarceration Baked into many of their laws, he was arrested. Let me amplify that last part: no matter WHAT, if 911 is called, SOMEBODY is going to jail, in these situations. Majors claims she was having an episode, it got physical, so he called 911. That's ALL WE KNOW. All your blather proves is that you're a special kind of stupid.

And oh yeah: she's CONFIRMED HIS VERSION OF THE STORY. You can claim that's because she's battered and displaying victim psychology, but that's all it is: your unfounded, wild-a$$ claim.

Go sit down somewhere. You sound ridiculous.


LOL. You are so naive its almost comical


LOL. You are so stupid it IS comical. Good luck with that. . .


Just like Amber Heard. It was all Johnny!


"This is literally the case."

Are you referring to your suitcase?


"They said they had to arrest you as protocol when they saw the injuries on me and they knew we had a fight. I’m so angry that they did. And I’m sorry you’re in this position. Will make sure nothing happens about this. I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone. I only just got out of hospital."

This reads like a CLASSIC abusive relationship, where the abuser not only blames the victim for everything, but forces the victim to take responsibility for being abused... on pain of more abuse! Seriously, that's now abusive relationships work, regardless of sex. The abuser attacks the victim, refuses to take responsibility for their actions, so they convince themselves and sometimes the victim that it's all the victim's fault, and that they're the good guy even though they just put someone they claim to love in the hospital. Even if the victim hasn't been brainwashed to the point of believing this shit, they will frequently *say* it's all their own fault that they got beaten up, because they're desperate to defuse the situation.

Bottom line in looking where to place the blame in this situation - she's the one who ended up with visible injuries and a hospital stay.


Or just x% of his shiny Ant-Man money magically appeared on her bank account. They know whats on the brink, so better pay her off in the good old Hollywoodstyle as risking losing everything.


Isn't the first rule of faking injuries "Don't go to the hospital"? I only ask because she seems to have gone to the hospital.

And his money appearing in her bank account wouldn't be proof either way, if any $$$ actually moved. An innocent man might give something to a liar to protect a career that had just taken off, and a guilty man would pay anything to make the story vanish from the press and the legal system, just as his career was finally in high gear.


Sad to see the white supremacists and the militant feminists in cahoots in the below messages. Morons.


The only racist here is you. Since you cant see past his skin. You dont see him as a person - you only see his skin color. While other people judge him by his actions. You look as ridiculous as if people will call you black supremacist while you will be sitting in Harvey Weinstain thread and be happy that he is in prison. And people would be like: "You only hate him because he is white" :)

Racists like you are the problem.


I want to see Black actors and filmmakers thrive.

You PHILISTINES, want to tear them down. You HATE Black men and you HATE film. Go worship your white Aryan queens somewhere else, maybe Stormfront or one of those other white supremacist simping sites. 😠👊🏿


Dude go get the help you obviously need. You are not well.


So where is the video ?


It's been ages. Have they released anything that shows he's innocent? Anything at all, other than the text where she "takes responsibility" for being injured and hospitalized, because she touched his phone?

Seriously guys, if you touch your woman's phone and she flips out and wallops you with a baseball bat in response, giving you visible injuries and sending you to the hospital... is the abuse YOUR responsibility and not hers?


Not saying that Majors is guilty one way or another, waiting for more information, but I think it’s ridiculous that his defense is now standing on her going clubbing after this alleged incident took place as a way to exonerate Majors. What, someone can’t be assaulted, violated, abused and not continue on with their evening as if nothing happened? Maybe going out was a defense mechanism to avoid thinking about what happened, or maybe she just didn’t want to be alone.


I'm not saying that he's guilty or innocent either, I'm just trying to bring some sense to the discussion.

Like pointing out that someone going to a club after allegedly being assaulted doesn't prove that there was no assault, just proof that that person did not receive disabling injuries at the time in question. Nice to see a second sensible person here!


Jonathan Majors’ alleged victim was granted a temporary order of protection on Thursday ahead of the May 9 court date where the actor will face charges of assault and harassment.


So the protection *was* granted! I wonder if she presented evidence of threats or harassment?

I mean he's got to be as angry as hell at her, whether he's guilty or not. His career is crumbling, and he's going to want someone to blame other than himself.


He had some movie coming out maybe that got pulled out of a film festival the other day. I haven't seen any news on a release date.


When are people going to learn that if they ever want to claw their way to the top, they need to avoid obvious pitfalls like attracting the attention of the police?

People seem to think that they can get away with anything if they make it big, but the fact is that Majors hadn't made it that big, he was actually in a very vulnerable position. Famous enough to be of interest to the press, but not so incredibly famous and financially rewarding to the Suits, that they'd automatically hush up any scandals. Someone like Leonardo DiCaprio can probably have dead hookers disposed of for the asking, but someone like Majors is still expendable enough to get thrown under the bus if there's any scandal.

And that's where he is right now, under a damn bus with a wheel on his back.



My deepest sympathy to whoever has to put up with him in person right now.


It will only be speculation from now till his trial in a couple of weeks.
