MovieChat Forums > Trevor Noah Discussion > Will never be forgiven

Will never be forgiven

Immediately after Julian Assange was betrayed by Ecuador and allowed to be arrested in London in April 2019, Trevor Noah did a piece making fun of the situation in a segment called "Arrested Embarrassment". That sums up what kind of unfunny lickspittle Trevor Noah really is.


yeah i always hated him since the day i first saw him. he was always a shill for the propaganda machine....


Agreed. It's quite surreal how much control corporations have over mainstream TV comedians these days. It's all about the narrative now. Biden can fuck up 3 times as much as Trump ever did, and he'll remain untouchable - meanwhile we had 4 years of Trump TV nonstop - which got old after the first month. The only places where comedians are still allowed to practice neutral comedy is on stage via standup routines - far from mainstream TV.


It wasn't just Trevor Noah but also Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, SNL, and (saddest of all) Stephen Colbert who has become a complete propaganda mouthpiece propping up the Democratic Party. All of these men presented material that week that largely mocked Assange and his heroic efforts.


like i said - all mainstream TV comedians


Assange is a loser. Why criticize Ecuador?

Should have gone to Sweden and apply for asylum when he had the chance.


Do you really know what you're talking about? Why didn't Assange take asylum in Sweden? It probably has something to do with those bogus "rape" charges that were being used to smear him. Those allegations have entirely vanished, by the way. Why do I criticize Ecuador? Because former President Rafael Correa offered Assange asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy and Assange was eventually made a citizen of Ecuador. When Correa's term ended, the new President Lenin Moreno was not so kindly disposed toward Assange. When Ecuador's economy began to tank (no doubt with a little help from the CIA), they needed an IMF loan to keep their economy afloat. That aid had strings attached--namely, Ecuador would have to allow London police to arrest Assange at the embassy. A couple of days after the arrest, Ecuador got the IMF funds it wanted, and now Assange languishes in Belmarsh prison while the vile judge Vanessa Baraitser presides over a farcical show trial.


Wasn't rape, it was some stupid woke law. He would have got a few months in a 4* hotel that passes for prison over there.

What is with the stupid conspiracy theory? Assange released Ecuador state secrets, that's why he got the boot. Lots of people make fun of the fool.


Looks like i won the argument


Satan2016 still stands vanquished. I proved to him that he did not know what he thought he knew about the Assange case.


How does this guy have any ratings?
Takes cringe worthy to a whole new level.


He's turned the tragedy in Ukraine guessed it, another conversation about race! These assholes can't take five minutes off from their narcissistic obsessions.
