MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Time to bow down and worship me, bitches...

Time to bow down and worship me, bitches!

Good evening, ignorant pigs! Put down your crack pipes and your beer bongs, because the DNC and the media have given you new marching orders! You are to worship me as your new Goddess! You are to fawn over me and say the nicest things about how smart and competent I am--or ELSE!

Forget that you ignored me or snickered at me behind closed doors for many years.

Ignore the fact that I started my political career by sleeping with a hideously ugly black married man, who just happened to be a major judge in San Francisco.

Ignore the fact that I'm not technically black, or that I put over 2,000 black people in California behind bars for smoking pot, while smoking it myself illegally at exclusive elite parties and got away with it.

Ignore the fact that one of my ancestors was the biggest slave owner in Jamaica.

Ignore the fact that when Project Veritas exposed Planned Parenthood for butchering babies and selling them on the black market for parts, that I put the whistleblowers in prison instead of the baby butchers. After all, they're just clumps of cells, right? Doesn't matter if the majority of them are black babies.

Ignore the fact that the only reason I became VP was because Biden was ordered to take on a non-white, non-male running mate, and I was from a pool of only 3 women who fit the bill, never mind that I couldn't legislate my way out of a paper bag!

And please ignore the fact that when I ran in the primaries in 2020, I was so bad at getting you all to follow me, that I couldn't even secure more than 2% of your votes to become candidate for president. After all, that's water under the bridge, right?


If the polls are actaully showing her taking the lead, god help us all.


I don't believe any that say she would be. She's polling far worse than Hillary did in 2016 or Biden combined.
