So, how do you feel?

How do you feel?


Angry with him




I look at him and see little more than a pile of stinking slime. Putin looks similar, but he has fangs and claws that are chipped and some are broken.


Were you on the old imdb? That thing with claws and chipped fangs seems familiar


Question 1: I was, but I had a different name, and never used those words when writing about a movie or tv show.

Question 2: I made the "chipped and broken fangs and claws" thing off the top of my head, as symbolic of the fact that Putin thinks he's all big and bad with his army, but he's starting to realize what happens when you use antiquated equipment, soldiers that haven't seen battle in 30 years, and untrained recruits to fight a battle against a country that's getting help from nations with better fighting resources.


Hmm okay, you do read familiar, not the username, I wouldn't remember that


I was Artemid--something or other. Can't remember the numbers.
