MovieChat Forums > Lady Gaga Discussion > Mother Monster: "Joanne" Review

Mother Monster: "Joanne" Review

Hello guys!! So I've been reviewing pop diva's albums (both old and new) and now it's time for me to review Gaga's work. Now I have never been a little monster, not even in the slightest! So this is the first time I will be critiquing an artist I'm not really a fan of. So I am reviewing her with a unbiased opinion as apposed the other artists I have reviewed. With "Perfect Illusion" being just released, I have become intrigued by Gaga's longevity and I want to examine her previous albums before the release of her new one. So I hope you stay tuned as I start with her debut:

The Fame (2008)

1. "Just Dance" (Featuring Colby O'Donis)
Her debut single, "Just Dance" is an electronic pop anthem that was made for the dance floor. This is a song that has an infectious melody and the slightly altered effect on Gaga's vocals actually don't sound annoying!?  Produced by Akon, this has a great beat that I'm sure it got many people ready have a night of debauchery. This is a nice introduction to Lady Gaga and her eccentric ways. Very solid start! 

2. "LoveGame"
"Let's have fun/This beat is sick/I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!" Well isn't that a nice way to open up your song!  "LoveGame" is a fun pop song regardless as it has Gaga in a state of playful content with this guy who she seems to want to get very intimate with. It makes for a very catchy chorus as well as lyrics that are more than adequate. I like this song as it has a nice production and Gaga sounds decent. This is a really good electronic pop song that is just as entertaining as it is memorable.

3. "Paparazzi"
Gaga is a bit obsessive in this song! She is very adamant of getting the affections of a guy she wants to make famous apparently. Wanting to take endless pictures of him like the paparazzi does to celebrities, it's almost like she is using it as an analogy of why this guy is so special to her. The song is definitely clever with it's lyrical content and once again shows Gaga is a bit odd...but very intriguing. I like it as it makes for another catchy, infectious pop tune! 

4. "Poker Face"
Coming in with a hard hitting electronic beat, "Poker Face" is a song about Gaga getting a guy hot and bothered as she is almost certain he can't see through her facade that she is putting on. The lyrics are goofy yet entertaining. It makes for a superb pop song that has a memorable hook and Gaga sounds good as usual. I can imagine this was hit single for a reason as it has a great production and has a playfulness to it that I'm sure got listeners going back for more.

5. "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)"
This has a weird 80s feel to it with a beat that almost sounds Caribbean in origin. It's a bizarre production; don't know if I like it or not. Seems like filler to me as it seems Gaga is singing about moving on from a previous relationship but I just find this a bit jarring from the previous tracks. Nothing bad, but certainly nothing memorable.

6. "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich"
Ummm, don't know if I like this one either. It does have a nice funky production though. The lyrics are kind of random and actually short as I'm sure this would have been better if it was written better. Just doesn't leave much of an impression on me unfortunately.

7. "The Fame"
Gaga is all too excited to sing about the wealthy and glamorous lifestyle of a Hollywood star. This kind of reminds me of a 2000s version of Madonna's "Material Girl". It has that same kind of narcissistic charm to it that makes for an overall good song. I wouldn't say it is as memorable as Madonna's 80s classic but it sure is a pretty fun ride!

8. "Money Honey"
This kind of sounds similar to "Just Dance"; having almost the same melody. I mean it doesn't make it a bad song, it is actually pretty decent. Gaga is of course talking about the physical contact that she gets from her man that she calls "money honey". The chorus is pretty catchy and this makes for an overall pretty solid pop tune.

9. "Starstruck" (Featuring Space Cowboy and Flo Rida)
This has a pop/hip hop mash up feel to it as Gaga sings of being so in awe of a man she is interested in but it's an underwhelming song. The lyrics are ok; nothing special about them really. The production is fun though with that heavy thumping beat; though Flo Rida's appearance is brief and unnecessary. Overall, nice production, weak lyrics and a rap verse you could have done without.

10. "Boys Boys Boys"
Gaga sings a list of qualities that she likes in boys. The chorus is catchy; though the rest of the song leaves much to be desired. I mean I'm all for loving boys (actually I prefer men honestly ) This is a lighthearted ode to the male gender but there's nothing that makes it a standout on the album, it's just kind of there really. The lyrics are also a bit too simplistic for me. A fun but ultimately forgettable tune.

11. "Paper Gangsta"
Gaga has no time for a man's games aka a guy she calls a "paper gangsta". I guess it makes for a decent ladies anthem but I'm just not really feelin' this one sorry. Not a bad song, just one that feels kind of empty and has no real meaning to it. The chorus is catchy, I'll give it that. 

12. "Brown Eyes"
You know for a song trying to convey some emotional resonance, Gaga isn't really convincing, singing this as casually as possible. Gaga is reliving the heartache she felt when she ended her previous relationship it seems but I just don't feel it. I just feel a sort of a false sympathy for her as I really am not invested in what she is singing about. I guess it could be worse, but it could be MUCH better too.

13. "I Like It Rough"
Now this song has a playful, energetic tone to it that I enjoy. Gaga is of course, singing about why she loves the aggressive treatment that she receives in the sack. I like it rough myself...what!?  With a catchy chorus and decent lyrical content, "I Like It Rough" is a sexy song with a nice production; though it is a bit too brief for my liking. But a pretty good song anyway.

14. "Summerboy"
In this breezy, sunny pop track that ends the album, Gaga is singing of a man that she wants to make hers for the summer. It's a fun note to conclude the album on as it has a upbeat feel to it that makes it enjoyable and it makes for an entertaining aspect to it.

Back in '08, the world was introduced to Lady Gaga, a very eccentric pop star that would become one of the most talked about celebrities of the 2010s. Her debut album is a decent first outing for her, establishing herself a competent pop diva with the right vocals as well as intriguing image to keep people talking. I like the album overall, it has some weak moments but overall the tracks, especially the singles stand out. Now this is coming from someone who has never been a fan of Gaga's, though she has shown she is a very capable artist. I think the themes of the album are addressed pretty well through with her fixation of the highs and lows of fame. Of course, there are other topics such as love, lust and sexual frustration. I know we've all been there.  The producers of the album do an excellent job of giving Lady Gaga her own sound as electronic pop was just starting to become a mainstay in pop music right around the time Gaga made her debut. They obviously know their way around a hit at the album's singles became international hits and solidified that Gaga was about to embarked on a very successful career. The album garnered her 2 Grammys for Best Electronic/Dance Album and the Best Dance Recording for "Poker Face". The album was soon listed as Rolling Stones' "100 Greatest Debut Albums of All Time". While I don't think it's that good, I applaud (oh the puns are back again! ) Gaga for this release as it gives her little monsters a taste of what was to come; savoring the excellent pop singles that made her a huge star overnight and the even better music to come.

"Focusing on the harsh life of fame as well as all of it's pleasantries, "The Fame" is a pretty good debut effort from the polarizing pop diva who would grow even more into her own as the album is filled with enough pop hits to keep listeners more than satisfied."


Joanne (2016)

1. "Diamond Heart"
Not to be confused with desperation, "Diamond Heart" is a pretty good opener that shows that Lady Gaga is flawed like all of us are but when it comes to her yearning to be with the man of dreams, she simply sings "Young, wild, American/C'mon baby, do you have a girlfriend?/Rain on me a million/I'm not flawless, but I gotta diamond hear". She shows that she is worth it because she has a compassion and strength that whomever this man finds won't be enough for him except for her. I like the richness in Gaga's voice, she sounds great and it good to hear from her after a 3 year absence since her last album. I also enjoy the symbolism of the song as it's about the inner beauty of someone shinning through all the superficiality. The production though, is just ok. Not the most grand opening to an album as it could has used better instrumentation. But the message of the song is pretty strong and while it is flawed, the strengths of the track outweighs the bad.

2. "A-YO"
This has a country-pop feel to it and that makes it a standout for sure. The song's lyrics imply some kind of seduction as Gaga's body seems to be the source of attention as part of the chorus has her singing "Get off on me, my body's got you pleadin'/Light me up and breathe in/Mirror on the ceilin'/Off on me, my body's got you pleadin'/Light me up and breathe in/Mirror on the ceiling" before the "A-YO" portion comes in. It's a fun little tune that has a decent hook and almost sing-a-long feel to it. But I wouldn't say it's one of the strongest tracks so far but I definitely appreciate the genre crossing from Gaga here.

3. "Joanne"
In this beautiful acoustic guitar riffed title track dedicated to her aunt she lost before she was born, Gaga gives a really powerful vocal performance as she sings of an obviously troubled young woman named "Joanne". The lyrics are pretty heartfelt as it seems painful for Gaga to see this woman leave but feeling like she has to let go. Letting go and moving on seem to be the theme here; simple enough but significant at the same time. I like the lyrics "If you could/I know that you'd stay/We both know/Things don't work that way/I promised I/Wouldn't say goodbye/So I grin/And my voice gets thin". You can not only hear the pain in Gaga's voice, but you feel it as well. It's a somber yet hopeful tune with a really wonderful melody and is a complete indication that Gaga has not lost her creative touch between albums. A true standout of the album so far and maybe one of Gaga's best songs of her career.

4. "John Wayne"
I'd like to call this track "electronic country" as it has that kind of feel. "John Wayne" has Gaga eager to have a man that reminds of her of the legendary actor or rather, John Wayne is used an analogy for the kind of man she wants. The man she wants is a wild man and there are some drug references in the lyrics that she likes man with an addiction...really?!  Well, that should be surprising as Gaga has always been bizarre. But it's not only the drugs that she wants in a man but she also desires a "cowboy" type personality and "a wild man" who causes some trouble. The song is alright overall, but it's quite brief and doesn't leave much of an impression. I don't want to call it filler...but it definitely doesn't do much in terms of really distinguishing itself besides it's unique, stylish southern tone. But it could have been worse and is pretty enjoyable.

5. "Dancin' In Circles"
"I lay around, touch myself to pass the time"...HA!  Sorry, that was an unexpected lyric that came out of no where. I got to say, I really like the production of this song, having an almost Caribbean/reggae inspired groove to it. It kind of reminds me of "Better" on Britney's "Glory" album. Gaga sings with a confident charm as she sings "In the fire I call your name out/Up full night tryin' to rub the pain out" as well as "I'm singin'/Baby don't cry/Baby don't cry/Dancin' in circles, feels good to be lonely/Baby don't cry/Baby don't cry/I'm singin' dancin' in circles, feels good to be lonely". Well, if that's not an indication that this is a masturbation song, I don't know what is!  The song is clever though as it hints at the advantages of being a sexually frustrated individual longing for sex and having to take matters into your own hands (pun intended! ) Whether this song leaves you hot and bothered or just plain embarrassed for listening to it, you can't deny that this is very entertaining pop music and one I'm sure you can relate too (though most people won't admit it).

6. "Perfect Illusion"
In this lead single from the album, "Perfect Illusion" is Gaga's inner struggle discovering that her most recent relationship was just a lie as her lover never truly loved her. This song has definitely grown on me since it's debut. Judging it without its chaotic, rave inspired video, you can see the song more for its strengths. The lyrics are pretty good and the production makes for what a solid pop hit needs. The song's success has been uneven but it doesn't justify the true quality of it. For Gaga's first lead, solo single in years, she could have done far worse as the track is a great tune.

7. "Million Reasons"
WOW!!!  I'm actually kind of blown away by this track!! Another stunning vocal performance from Gaga? Check! Another powerful acoustic guitar melody? Check! Well written and heartbreaking lyrics? Check! "Million Reasons" is just all around another beautiful showcase of Gaga's artistry in general as she sings her heart out of why she needs to part ways from such a devastating relationship. To say this song has emotional resonance would be an understatement! Gaga really pours her heart into this one and I really enjoyed the added harmonies during the song's angelic chorus. This is for sure another highlight of the album and certainly another one of Gaga's best songs she has ever sung! Masterful!

8. "Sinner's Prayer"
This song almost has a Johnny Cash type of style to it!  That almost old school soul/country mash up as Gaga sings with a low vibrato than she usually does and I like it! Lyrically, "Sinner's Prayer" is showing a darker side to Gaga as she sings "And I don't wanna break the heart of any other man/But you, but you". It's such a cruel and brutally honest lyric but I love it for that reason. It makes Gaga seem so real as she admits what some people wouldn't. The song of course implies there are reasons she feels that way as she seems to be in a tumultuous relationship she is stuck in...or more she's in a relationship she wants to be stuck in. She calls herself a "tramp" at one point at the start of the song and there's a portion of the song where she sings about her baby sister who has those same desires but are more altruistic than Gaga's intentions with a man. It's a superb tune that really gets you attention and keeps it all the way until the end.

9. "Come To Mama"
"Come To Mama" seems to be channeling the raw soul music of the 1950s and golden age of pop of the 1960s with its timeless production. I really like the tone of the track and the vintage instrumentation that includes a saxophone solo that will get you smiling for sure. "Come To Mama", lyrically, is a wonderful expression of Gaga's concern for such a hateful society we are living in and urging listeners to come to her to tell her what these deep rooted hatred and need to suffering is coming from. The reason that "Come To Mama" feels so timeless is not only its classic production but the fact that issues that Gaga brings up are still going on today. Sure, we'e come a long way from the era(s) that this song is inspired from but sometimes it's hard to believe as much when you look at chaos, fear and senseless violence that still plague our country as well as the world. With brilliant lyrics such as "The only prisons that exist are ones we put each other in", "Come To Mama" is another strong outing from this album and I could imagine it being a single easily.

10. "Hey Girl" (Featuring Florence Welch)
In this soul/rock duet between the lead of Florence and the Machine and Lady Gaga, "Hey Girl" has a nice production as well as decent lyrics. But the thing that makes it good is how both women's vocals compliment each other. The moments when they harmonize are great and really sell the message of the song of two women who have each others' backs no matter what. There is a special bond between the two ladies; whether that is simply an unbreakable friendship or blinding romance is up to the listener's interpretation of the lyrics but overall, this is a solid track.

11. "Angel Down"
"Angel Down" is adamant on addressing the issues of the violent acts that are committed everyday and how nothing is being down about it. With a guitar riff and an almost lullaby melody, the song's chorus really gets to me as Gaga sings "Shots were fired on the street/By the church where we used to meet/Angel down, angel down/Why do people just stand around?" There is a lot of negligence when it comes to this issue and I like the Gaga makes a promise to sacrifice herself by singing "I'd rather save an angel down". In a world that needs leaders, she is willing to be one herself and that is very inspiring. One thing that is surprising me about this album so far is there are little to no gimmick tracks! There is a mostly serious undertone about this album but I'll get more in depth about that soon in the analysis portion of this review.

12. "Grigio Girls"
"Grigio Girls" seems to a song describing the strong bond between women as Gaga sings "All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls/Pour your heart out/Watch your blues turn gold/All the Pinot, Pinot Grigio girls/Keep it real cold/'Cause it's a fired up world". Also the song plays on the running theme of "Joanne" as there is one lyric "Sonja was Joanne's friend/Tough girls on the mend/So when I'm feeling small/I toss that cork and call". There seems to be this overarching story to the album as well as the message of sisterhood that is so prominent. This is a good song, though there is not much that stands out about it. But it is definitely enjoyable! 

13. "Just Another Day"
Using some fine instrumentation (especially from the likes of Brian Newman), "Just Another Day" is a feel good tune about the simplicity yet beauty of day to day life as well as the joys of being in love. Gaga is humbled by this new found appreciation for the relationship she is in and it is a good penultimate track for the album. You can definitely tell that Gaga was feeling this and enjoy just having fun with the overwhelming optimism that shines through the song. A pretty solid track from the album for sure!

14. "Angel Down-Work Tape"
This seems to be a reprise of the song "Angel Down" and I don't mind as it is one of the album's strongest efforts. I really enjoy the lyrics of the song and how it represents the problems that are going on in the world. This album as a whole has been shocking to say the least. I can't wait to express my thoughts on it but all I can say right now is, Great Job Gaga!!!


So, when we last left Gaga when it came to her studio album, she had just released "ARTPOP" arguably her worst album yet!  Critics were harsh on the project and many fans were disappoint (me included). "ARTPOP" seemed to get lost in the continuing outlandish gimmicks and polarizing posturing that Gaga had seem to take too far. Sure, the album had some gems, but very few. While she went on tour to promote the album, her record label obviously weren't satisfied with the reaction the album got from the public. The only answer they could find for that problem was to try to take Gaga image in new direction. First, it started by cleaning up her act and throwing away her eccentric persona as well as behavior. At the 87th Academy Awards, she was the star of the tremendous tribute to "The Sound of Music" as she gave a memorizing performance that blow audiences and critics away! Then came her duet jazz album with the legendary Tony Bennett, "Cheek To Cheek" in 2014, which earned both of them not only praise but a Grammy for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album. Gaga soon took a break from music to star in highly acclaimed horror anthology series "American Horror Story", which earned her an Emmy for Best Actress – Miniseries or Television Film. But the time had soon come for Gaga to work on her follow-up, which would soon to be a challenge after such an artistically and musically underwhelming effort like "ARTPOP". In early interviews when asked about the direction that new album would be going in she said "the fans are going to be surprised [with the album]... But I will just tell you that it's a wonderful, soul-searching experience. And it's very unlike [Artpop] in that way." As well as saying "Now I'm thinking more about what it is I want to say and what I want to leave on Earth. It's less an expression of all my pain." She began teaming up with a string of talented producers and musicians such as RedOne, Giorgio Moroder, Mark Ronson and Nile Rodgers as well as Father John Misty and Josh Homme. The album was apparently inspired from her time on "American Horror Story" as she wanted to explore the darker side of her music. And for that reason, "Joanne" might be Gaga's most personal album to date. Using her real name (Stefani Joanne Germanotta) as well as her late aunt's name as a way to tell as fictional story about a girl in the middle of the country to try to make an album that would relate to it's listeners, the album cements Gaga's status as a true artistic treasure. Like I said, there are little to no gimmicks on the album, no odd songs or bizarre arrangements, no need for theatrics or pyrotechnical productions to emphasize Gaga's strange take on pop music. Here we have a deeply interwoven album that has a variety of emotions being sung: heartbreak, identity, frustration, letting go/moving on, sisterhood, love, desire and nostalgia. The album boldly marches on with it's confident vulnerability. This might be my favorite Lady Gaga album thus far, right up there with "The Fame Monster", "The Fame" and the grossly underrated "Born This Way". It's the breathtaking follow-up that critics and fans have been waiting for. The stripped down, practical tone of the album gives more room for Gaga to express her true feelings and desires. The music is just mature and mostly stunning. From rock to pop to soul to country, the album explores different genres of music to so effortlessly tell it's tale of "Joanne". The album has just been released but fans and critics are already praising the album for it's sensational work. I'm really proud of Gaga for her committing to the themes and concept for the album. "Joanne" could have easily come off jarring or lukewarm, but there was some serious effort put into the album. I can't get enough of the album and can't wait to listen to it again. With Gaga just recently announced to headline the Superbowl Halftime Show, it's nice to know she has a great album to back up her classic hits and show stopping performing. With an album like this, the possibilities of where she takes her music next is endless. "Joanne" is a great stepping stone for the pop diva and one that I'm sure will keep her fans eagerly anticipating her 6th studio release. 

"With astounding acoustic songs, beautiful lyrics and a serious overarching tale of the fictional girl who's name takes after Gaga's late aunt and middle name, "Joanne" proved to be a worthy undertaking for the once otherworldly pop diva who leaves all the ridiculous antics and borderline insane, melodramatic music of "ARTPOP" behind for a more alternative pop album with a country undertone. Pretty brilliant stuff!"
