MovieChat Forums > James Clyburn Discussion > James Clyburn stepped forward and spoke ...

James Clyburn stepped forward and spoke today.

He has given his much-awaited endorsement to former Vice President Joe Biden.

A respectful hush usually falls over the media whenever Rep. Clyburn approaches a podium and today was no different.


I genuinely laughed out loud.




The CNN anchor simply said "An American hero just spoke" when the press conference was over.


A useless, establishment ass kissing sellout. Getting praise from CNN makes sense.


It was a good delivery. I was hooked until he said Joe Biden. I don't think you can make the argument that Joe wants and knows what's best for Africa Americans over Bernie.



Threadkiller...are you a member of the African-American community?


Not sure how that has any bearing on Clyburn being a complete establishment tool.


You posted a YouTube link where they call Rep. Clyburn the n-word. I think it's a fair question for me to ask.


Who's "they"? The person narrating that 2 hour video essay is clearly black if you actually listened to it & I don't think anyone has the right to police the culturally unique context in which black people use the word.


Biden leading in S.C.


He just endorsed a guy who can’t tell his ass from his elbow. And of course the Democrat media humps his leg calling him a hero. That’s an opinion, not news, nor relevant.

Here’s how an objective reporter doing their job would report this: a Democrat congressmen endorsed a Democrat candidate for president. Any questions?

And because it’s such an irrelevant story this wouldn’t even make the news broadcast.


You don't agree with the CNN anchor's assessment that Rep. Clyburn is an "American hero" and that we just heard that hero speak?


Being a conservative Republican, I frequently disagree with him, but I do respect him.
