You're generalizing! I'm so sick of generalizing.
She didn't mean EVERONE in wheelchairs, she meant Hawking, who was crumpled up in that chair unable to do ANYTHING except type on a computer.
This is the biggest thing that pisses me off about snowflake SJW's. They think when you make a statement about an individual with a certain characteristic you lump in EVERY person who has ever had that same characteristic, much like a "one size fits all" attitude about people.
People are different, every single person, and shockingly to you, even those in wheelchairs. Some can live great lives even though they are disabled. Steven Hawking was very confined. Maybe he enjoyed that, who the hell knows except him and people close to him, but I'll bet a lot of people in his position, myself included, would not want to live the way he did, and would feel "free" so to speak upon death.
She was trying to give a positive sentiment about the man's death, and sure enough, the "offendeds" come out of the woodwork and take a simple comment and turn it into an insult to everyone who has ever sat in a wheelchair, demanding apologies, blah, blah, blah.
When the hell will this shit end? I'm guessing with the internet, never. But it's beyond brutal at this point. Some people just wake up every day looking for something to be offended by.
Sorry if my post offends anyone. Lol.