MovieChat Forums > Tommy Robinson Discussion > 'The Rape Of Britain' (2022) documentary

'The Rape Of Britain' (2022) documentary

Premiered yesterday (at an open event in Telford) and whilst being (extremely) rough round the edges, is a pretty good documentary of how the UK has (largely) brushed 40 years of child abuse (by predominantly Muslim men) under the carpet.

Watch it here (whilst you can)


Thanks for posting, I doubt it will be up on YT for long.

Here's the link:


This Nazi thug Tommy "Robinson" should still be in prison!

FYI, the vast majority of child abuse is committed by white pigs like Tommy.


Liar! Gay men and Muslims.


Liar! Even when the % is adjusted to take into account the disparity between the number of gay and straight men, straight men are more likely to be the abuser. If you truly cared about the victims, you wouldn’t need to lie. It’s almost like you only care about faux outrage and blaming Muslims or gay men…


Statistically speaking (given their actual minority in the UK) it's actually Muslim males who commit more underage sex offences (although it doesn't help that they're rarely convicted, nor the fact that most of these individuals see nothing wrong with their actions, as long as the girl is of menstrual age......hence the fact that most of these poor victims tend to be between 11 to 14) and that's just the ones that we know about. Telford police alone, have a backlog of over *FORTY* years of un-prosecuted child sex offences.....perhaps the outcome of this, may soon sate whatever 'perverted' sense of racial proportionality you require from all (equally abhorrent) sex-offenders (irregardless of their ethnicity)

What is deeply worrying, is the constant deflection by people like yourself, who seem to justify (If not 'enable') perverts like this, by citing skin-colour (as if white, black, green, or sky-blue pink coloured paedophiles aren't equally as detested in this country)
The distinct (but all important) difference between common-garden (yet equally repellent) white paedophiles, is that they attack children individually (and not in highly organised groups) unlike the (largely, unpunished) grooming gangs (as witnessed in this documentary)

The fact that your first response to such a harrowing tale, is to wish Tommy Robinson 'jail-time'....speaks volumes. Like most 'enablers', your immediate response to Muslim grooming gangs, is to shift the narrative to white paedophiles (it's duly noted) it's also very telling that Muslim paedophiles will rarely (if at all) rape children of their own colour and/or ideology. So whilst we're slinging mud here, let's not pretend that these gangs aren't racially motivated in their perverted actions?

Would you have any more empathy, if perhaps this documentary was directed by a person of colour?


They are completely confused because:


Muslim (or any non Christian) = victim
Non-white = victim

So it's 2 positive + victim status which overrides 1 negative and throws them into confusion.


You're a sicko child rape enabler and your pathetic deflection attempts are utterly transparent. How do you sleep at night?


He dreams of raping little girls no doubt.


Tommy Robinson is the opposite of a Nazi you moron. Hitler loved Islam and hated liberal democracies. Robinson fights against Islam because he does not want Britain to turn into an Islamic caliphate.


Uneducated moron on drugs


Nope, you're the one who is uneducated if you really believe the media lies that Robinson is a Nazi.


Actually he’s 100% correct and any examination of reality will bear him out. Meanwhile you’re high on mainstream media propaganda which you’ve tragically mistaken for ‘education’.

Go and see for yourself.


Got any evidence to back up that claim?

No. I don't think so.


Imdb says it's a series, first episode Sat was 72m. No torrents. What network?



Many copies on Bitchute. This is most viewed:
I notice it was shown in Russia two years ago, they are there but with Russian intro (1:25).

At the end of the doc, it reported two vehicles were destroyed. Tommy's and a rape victim.


The intro of Tommy Robinson speaking to that crowd is from a few years ago, it was barely covered by the British media, much like the continuing grooming gang scandals of thousands of young UK girls is continuously swept under the carpet and barely reported and commented on by the mainstream media.


YouTube in OP comes with Trigger Warning! I saw a second copy posted today.

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.


First episode of many to come, the smug face on that ex-cop!

Very brave of the young girl to tell her story, I just wish she wouldn't refer to the grooming gang as Asians, they are men of (mostly) Pakistani heritage and of the Muslim faith, continuing to label them all as Asian is an insult to the law abiding Chinese, Indian and other East Asians living in the UK who are never connected with grooming gangs.


But technically they are Asian though...?


technically they are humans too ..?


Yes, Asian humans no less.


You really didnt get NotoriosRio's point?


I would rather they are targeted as Pakistani Muslim humans instead.


No one in Britain used to refer to people of Pakistani heritage as Asian or even Muslim, it was much the same as USA uses the term when referring to someone who is Asian meaning someone from East Asia.

This changed in the 90’s and became more predominant when the Grooming Gang scandals hit.

It’s a vague term, and meant to be that way.


I agree that they are only vaguely Asian.


Mainly Muslim men? We're in NPC error.exe territory now LOL.
