MovieChat Forums > Emily Rose Discussion > Very Hot Chick *first Emily Rose post*

Very Hot Chick *first Emily Rose post*

I love the fact that this is the first Emily Rose post here in IMDB!

I enjoyed her small part on "smith", very cute, very hot!!!

Any similar opinions?

"favor gonna kill you faster than a bullet."


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She's got a look, so much so that I thought I knew her from some other shows and movies but I guess not.

Big things ahead for this one.


awww someone beat me to it.. YES she is hot in John From Cincinnati

and I'm glad she doesn't need an exorcism


Absolutely! Smokin' hot chick!!! Gorgeous face. Kickass body. The best thing to look at in John from Cincinnati.


I see in the entry that she is only in 6 episodes

Why the hell is that? Who was doing the non-thinking in the casting dept there? She is super hot and really spices up the show


The entire cast is listed for 6 eps; perhaps no info is available past that.
