She's not at all good-looking
This woman isn't good-looking at all. I can't believe she's being called "hot." She's not even lukewarm. )-;
"Qui conduisait la voiture?"
This woman isn't good-looking at all. I can't believe she's being called "hot." She's not even lukewarm. )-;
"Qui conduisait la voiture?"
And you can always tell which threads are started by men.....
Who cares if someone doesn't think someone else is attractive, Not everyone is going to think someone who is considered "hot" at the moment is hot, it's not just "jealous women".
I don't find her ugly, as a straight women, I think her body is damn near perfect at least in my opinon. and I don't think her face is "pig like" or ugly either but i guess others do.