Does anyone else think she is *beep* hot for a ginger..


Surrreee....just like Mila Kunis is pretty hot for a brunette! Oh, and have you checked out Scarlett Johansson? pretty hot for a blonde.



not bad


I think it was an episode of L&O:SVU, and some punk teenager calls the red-head detective "Fire Bush."
Caught me by surprise, and made me laugh.

I once dated a red head, and when we had our pants off, I said "wow" as her nethers had a very different hue than her other hair. Glowing.
The funnier story is, we were dating and one night I ended up having a small pair of colorful silk shorts on, underwear, and I said "I wore these just for you."
She said, "There's not much there." I looked at her and said -- "You're not supposed to say that,"
She looked at me ... then started laughing ! That's not what she meant, but it was hilarious.
We were supposed to be having a romantic moment - instead we were laughing to the point of tears. So funny !


For a ginger?

She's perfection. And red haired women in general are lovely.
