MovieChat Forums > Zoë Kravitz Discussion > i can't dig the short hair

i can't dig the short hair

Idk why women in Hollywood want to look like Ellen Degeneres. Anything less than a bob or bangs style looks terrible on women.

That wig in Batman looks better than her actual hair. If she put on a little weight and actually had long hair she would be pretty.

Before anybody says anything modern catwoman looks like shit. In the comics she used to have long hair and be more feminine.


You probably didn’t dig the long hair either just because she doesn’t have big boobs anyway...


That would add some points


absolutely right, she looks repulsive in her profile pic here


I wouldn't say repulsive, that's being mean, but they could have posted a better headshot.




Why do women choose to go with the "short n' sassy" look??


Because that's what the American culture is pushing now: for women to be less feminine and men to be more; anything to move us away from our true nature.
